Connect Google Ads to Snowflake

google ads to snowflake

Stream marketing data from Google Ads to Snowflake

Connect Google Ads to Snowflake in 2023

It is very simple to connect Google Ads to Snowflake, it can be done in a fast and easy manner with


First Step

Follow the Tutorial Below:

  1. Add all the columns that are returned by your connector’s URL. 
  2. Create the WINDSOR_UPLOAD role (name has no importance) 
  3. Create a user and add the previously created role to that user 
  4. Grant rights to the DATABASE to the created user 
  5. Grand the rights to the destination table 
  6. Get the required fields from Snowflake to use the Snowflake destination in Onboard Form
  • Get the username 
  • Get the password 
  • Get the account 
  • Get the warehouse 
  • Get the database 
  • Get the schema 
  • Get the table name 


Second step

1.You need to select Google Ads as a Data Source and Grant Access to

Select Google Ads


2. In Select Destination select Snowflake as destination

snowflake integration


3. Enter all the credentials required and click Save

4.Your data will now be streamed to Snowflake. In case there is an error you will be notified.

Google Ads metrics and dimensions available for streaming into Snowflake

Connect your data


Absolute top impression percentageNUMERICSearch absolute top impression share is the percentage of your Search ad impressions that are shown in the most prominent Search position.
Access reasonTEXTIndicates the reason this account has been granted access to the list. The reason can be SHARED, OWNED, LICENSED or SUBSCRIBED. This field is read-only.
Accessible bidding strategyTEXTResource name of AccessibleBiddingStrategy, a read-only view of the unrestricted attributes of the attached portfolio bidding strategy identified by 'bidding_strategy'. Empty, if the campaign does not use a portfolio strategy. Unrestricted strategy attributes are available to all customers with whom the strategy is shared and are read from the AccessibleBiddingStrategy resource. In contrast, restricted attributes are only available to the owner customer of the strategy and their managers. Restricted attributes can only be read from the BiddingStrategy resource.
Accessible bidding strategy idNUMERICThe ID of the bidding strategy.
Accessible bidding strategy maximize conversion value target roasNUMERICThe target return on ad spend (ROAS) option. If set, the bid strategy will maximize revenue while averaging the target return on ad spend. If the target ROAS is high, the bid strategy may not be able to spend the full budget. If the target ROAS is not set, the bid strategy will aim to achieve the highest possible ROAS for the budget.
Accessible bidding strategy maximize conversions target cpa microsNUMERICThe target cost per acquisition (CPA) option. This is the average amount that you would like to spend per acquisition.
Accessible bidding strategy nameTEXTThe name of the bidding strategy.
Accessible bidding strategy owner customer idNUMERICThe ID of the Customer which owns the bidding strategy.
Accessible bidding strategy owner descriptive nameTEXTdescriptive_name of the Customer which owns the bidding strategy.
Accessible bidding strategy resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the accessible bidding strategy. AccessibleBiddingStrategy resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/accessibleBiddingStrategies/{bidding_strategy_id}
Accessible bidding strategy target cpa target cpa microsNUMERICAverage CPA target. This target should be greater than or equal to minimum billable unit based on the currency for the account.
Accessible bidding strategy target impression share cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICThe highest CPC bid the automated bidding system is permitted to specify. This is a required field entered by the advertiser that sets the ceiling and specified in local micros.
Accessible bidding strategy target impression share locationTEXTThe targeted location on the search results page.
Accessible bidding strategy target impression share location fraction microsNUMERICThe chosen fraction of ads to be shown in the targeted location in micros. For example, 1% equals 10,000.
Accessible bidding strategy target roas target roasNUMERICThe chosen revenue (based on conversion data) per unit of spend.
Accessible bidding strategy target spend cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy.
Accessible bidding strategy target spend target spend microsNUMERICThe spend target under which to maximize clicks. A TargetSpend bidder will attempt to spend the smaller of this value or the natural throttling spend amount. If not specified, the budget is used as the spend target. This field is deprecated and should no longer be used. See for details.
Accessible bidding strategy typeTEXTThe type of the bidding strategy.
Account currency codeTEXTThe currency in which the account operates. A subset of the currency codes from the ISO 4217 standard is supported.
Account descriptive nameTEXTOptional, non-unique descriptive name of the customer.
Account IDTEXTThe Google Ads account ID.
Account NameTEXTOptional, non-unique descriptive name of the customer.
Account time zoneTEXTThe local timezone ID of the customer.
Account user list statusTEXTIndicates if this share is still enabled. When a UserList is shared with the user this field is set to ENABLED. Later the userList owner can decide to revoke the share and make it DISABLED. The default value of this field is set to ENABLED.
Action itemsTEXTA list of recommendations to improve the ad strength. For example, a recommendation could be "Try adding a few more unique headlines or unpinning some assets.".
Active view cpmNUMERICAverage cost of viewable impressions (active_view_impressions).
Active view ctrNUMERICActive view measurable clicks divided by active view viewable impressions. This metric is reported only for the Display Network.
Active view impressionsNUMERICA measurement of how often your ad has become viewable on a Display Network site.
Active view measurabilityNUMERICThe ratio of impressions that could be measured by Active View over the number of served impressions.
Active view measurable costNUMERICThe cost of the impressions you received that were measurable by Active View.
Active view measurable cost microsNUMERICThe cost of the impressions you received that were measurable by Active View.
Active view measurable impressionsNUMERICThe number of times your ads are appearing on placements in positions where they can be seen.
Active view viewabilityNUMERICThe percentage of time when your ad appeared on an Active View enabled site (measurable impressions) and was viewable (viewable impressions).
Activity account idNUMERICActivity account ID.
Activity ratingNUMERICActivity rating.
Ad added by google adsBOOLEANIndicates if this ad was automatically added by Google Ads and not by a user. For example, this could happen when ads are automatically created as suggestions for new ads based on knowledge of how existing ads are performing.
Ad app ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list.
Ad app ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets for headlines. When the ad serves the headlines will be selected from this list.
Ad app ad html5 media bundlesTEXTList of media bundle assets that may be used with the ad.
Ad app ad html5 media bundles assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this media bundle.
Ad app ad imagesTEXTList of image assets that may be displayed with the ad.
Ad app ad images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad app ad mandatory ad textTEXTMandatory ad text.
Ad app ad youtube videosTEXTList of YouTube video assets that may be displayed with the ad.
Ad app ad youtube videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Ad app engagement ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list.
Ad app engagement ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets for headlines. When the ad serves the headlines will be selected from this list.
Ad app engagement ad imagesTEXTList of image assets that may be displayed with the ad.
Ad app engagement ad images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad app engagement ad videosTEXTList of video assets that may be displayed with the ad.
Ad app engagement ad videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Ad app pre registration ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list.
Ad app pre registration ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets for headlines. When the ad serves the headlines will be selected from this list.
Ad app pre registration ad imagesTEXTList of image asset IDs whose images may be displayed with the ad.
Ad app pre registration ad images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad app pre registration ad youtube videosTEXTList of YouTube video asset IDs whose videos may be displayed with the ad.
Ad app pre registration ad youtube videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Ad call ad business nameTEXTThe business name in the ad.
Ad call ad call trackedBOOLEANWhether to enable call tracking for the creative. Enabling call tracking also enables call conversions.
Ad call ad conversion actionTEXTThe conversion action to attribute a call conversion to. If not set a default conversion action is used. This field only has effect if call_tracked is set to true. Otherwise this field is ignored.
Ad call ad conversion reporting stateTEXTThe call conversion behavior of this call ad. It can use its own call conversion setting, inherit the account level setting, or be disabled.
Ad call ad country codeCOUNTRYThe country code in the ad.
Ad call ad description1TEXTThe first line of the ad's description.
Ad call ad description2TEXTThe second line of the ad's description.
Ad call ad disable call conversionBOOLEANWhether to disable call conversion for the creative. If set to true, disables call conversions even when call_tracked is true. If call_tracked is false, this field is ignored.
Ad call ad headline1TEXTFirst headline in the ad.
Ad call ad headline2TEXTSecond headline in the ad.
Ad call ad path1TEXTFirst part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad. Optional.
Ad call ad path2TEXTSecond part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad. This field can only be set when path1 is also set. Optional.
Ad call ad phone numberTEXTThe phone number in the ad.
Ad call ad phone number verification urlTEXTThe URL to be used for phone number verification.
Ad destination typeTEXTAd Destination type.
Ad device preferenceTEXTThe device preference for the ad. You can only specify a preference for mobile devices. When this preference is set the ad will be preferred over other ads when being displayed on a mobile device. The ad can still be displayed on other device types, for example, if no other ads are available. If unspecified (no device preference), all devices are targeted. This is only supported by some ad types.
TEXTRequired. The Advertiser/brand name.
TEXTCall to action text.
TEXTRequired. Carousel cards that will display with the ad. Min 2 max 10.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this discovery carousel card.
TEXTRequired. The descriptive text of the ad.
TEXTRequired. Headline of the ad.
TEXTRequired. Logo image to be used in the ad. The minimum size is 128x128 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%).
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad discovery multi asset ad business nameTEXTThe Advertiser/brand name. Maximum display width is 25. Required.
Ad discovery multi asset ad call to action textTEXTCall to action text.
Ad discovery multi asset ad descriptionsTEXTThe descriptive text of the ad. Maximum display width is 90. At least 1 and max 5 descriptions can be specified.
Ad discovery multi asset ad headlinesTEXTHeadline text asset of the ad. Maximum display width is 30. At least 1 and max 5 headlines can be specified.
Ad discovery multi asset ad lead form onlyBOOLEANBoolean option that indicates if this ad must be served with lead form.
TEXTLogo image assets to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 128x128 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%). At least 1 and max 5 logo images can be specified.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad discovery multi asset ad marketing imagesTEXTMarketing image assets to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 600x314 and the aspect ratio must be 1.91:1 (+-1%). Required if square_marketing_images is not present. Combined with square_marketing_images and portrait_marketing_images the maximum is 20.
Ad discovery multi asset ad marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad discovery multi asset ad portrait marketing imagesTEXTPortrait marketing image assets to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 480x600 and the aspect ratio must be 4:5 (+-1%). Combined with marketing_images and square_marketing_images the maximum is 20.
Ad discovery multi asset ad portrait marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad discovery multi asset ad square marketing imagesTEXTSquare marketing image assets to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 300x300 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%). Required if marketing_images is not present. Combined with marketing_images and portrait_marketing_images the maximum is 20.
Ad discovery multi asset ad square marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
TEXTFirst part of text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL.
TEXTSecond part of text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL.
Ad discovery video responsive ad business nameTEXTRequired. The advertiser/brand name.
Ad discovery video responsive ad call to actionsTEXTAssets of type CallToActionAsset used for the "Call To Action" button.
Ad discovery video responsive ad call to actions assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this call to action asset.
Ad discovery video responsive ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets used for the description.
Ad discovery video responsive ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets used for the short headline.
TEXTLogo image to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 128x128 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%).
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad discovery video responsive ad long headlinesTEXTList of text assets used for the long headline.
Ad discovery video responsive ad videosTEXTList of YouTube video assets used for the ad.
Ad discovery video responsive ad videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Ad display upload ad display upload product typeTEXTThe product type of this ad. See comments on the enum for details.
Ad display upload ad media bundleTEXTA media bundle asset to be used in the ad. For information about the media bundle for HTML5_UPLOAD_AD, see Media bundles that are part of dynamic product types use a special format that needs to be created through the Google Web Designer. See for more information.
Ad display upload ad media bundle assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this media bundle.
Ad display urlTEXTThe URL that appears in the ad description for some ad formats.
TEXTThe description of the ad.
TEXTThe second description of the ad.
Ad expanded text ad descriptionTEXTThe description of the ad.
Ad expanded text ad description2TEXTThe second description of the ad.
Ad expanded text ad headline part1TEXTThe first part of the ad's headline.
Ad expanded text ad headline part2TEXTThe second part of the ad's headline.
Ad expanded text ad headline part3TEXTThe third part of the ad's headline.
Ad expanded text ad path1TEXTThe text that can appear alongside the ad's displayed URL.
Ad expanded text ad path2TEXTAdditional text that can appear alongside the ad's displayed URL.
Ad final app urlsTEXTA list of final app URLs that will be used on mobile if the user has the specific app installed.
Ad final mobile urlsTEXTThe list of possible final mobile URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the ad.
Ad final url suffixTEXTThe suffix to use when constructing a final URL.
Ad final urlsTEXTThe list of possible final URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the ad.
Ad group pathTEXTThe ad group to which the criterion belongs.
TEXTThe ad group ad to which the asset is linked.
Ad group ad action itemsTEXTA list of recommendations to improve the ad strength. For example, a recommendation could be "Try adding a few more unique headlines or unpinning some assets.".
Ad group ad ad added by google adsBOOLEANIndicates if this ad was automatically added by Google Ads and not by a user. For example, this could happen when ads are automatically created as suggestions for new ads based on knowledge of how existing ads are performing.
Ad group ad ad app ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list.
Ad group ad ad app ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets for headlines. When the ad serves the headlines will be selected from this list.
Ad group ad ad app ad html5 media bundlesTEXTList of media bundle assets that may be used with the ad.
Ad group ad ad app ad html5 media bundles assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this media bundle.
Ad group ad ad app ad imagesTEXTList of image assets that may be displayed with the ad.
Ad group ad ad app ad images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad app ad mandatory ad textTEXTMandatory ad text.
Ad group ad ad app ad youtube videosTEXTList of YouTube video assets that may be displayed with the ad.
Ad group ad ad app ad youtube videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Ad group ad ad app engagement ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list.
Ad group ad ad app engagement ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets for headlines. When the ad serves the headlines will be selected from this list.
Ad group ad ad app engagement ad imagesTEXTList of image assets that may be displayed with the ad.
Ad group ad ad app engagement ad images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad app engagement ad videosTEXTList of video assets that may be displayed with the ad.
Ad group ad ad app engagement ad videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Ad group ad ad app pre registration ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list.
Ad group ad ad app pre registration ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets for headlines. When the ad serves the headlines will be selected from this list.
Ad group ad ad app pre registration ad imagesTEXTList of image asset IDs whose images may be displayed with the ad.
Ad group ad ad app pre registration ad images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad app pre registration ad youtube videosTEXTList of YouTube video asset IDs whose videos may be displayed with the ad.
Ad group ad ad app pre registration ad youtube videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Ad group ad ad call ad business nameTEXTThe business name in the ad.
Ad group ad ad call ad call trackedBOOLEANWhether to enable call tracking for the creative. Enabling call tracking also enables call conversions.
Ad group ad ad call ad conversion actionTEXTThe conversion action to attribute a call conversion to. If not set a default conversion action is used. This field only has effect if call_tracked is set to true. Otherwise this field is ignored.
Ad group ad ad call ad conversion reporting stateTEXTThe call conversion behavior of this call ad. It can use its own call conversion setting, inherit the account level setting, or be disabled.
Ad group ad ad call ad country codeCOUNTRYThe country code in the ad.
Ad group ad ad call ad description1TEXTThe first line of the ad's description.
Ad group ad ad call ad description2TEXTThe second line of the ad's description.
Ad group ad ad call ad disable call conversionBOOLEANWhether to disable call conversion for the creative. If set to true, disables call conversions even when call_tracked is true. If call_tracked is false, this field is ignored.
Ad group ad ad call ad headline1TEXTFirst headline in the ad.
Ad group ad ad call ad headline2TEXTSecond headline in the ad.
Ad group ad ad call ad path1TEXTFirst part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad. Optional.
Ad group ad ad call ad path2TEXTSecond part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad. This field can only be set when path1 is also set. Optional.
Ad group ad ad call ad phone numberTEXTThe phone number in the ad.
Ad group ad ad call ad phone number verification urlTEXTThe URL to be used for phone number verification.
Ad group ad ad device preferenceTEXTThe device preference for the ad. You can only specify a preference for mobile devices. When this preference is set the ad will be preferred over other ads when being displayed on a mobile device. The ad can still be displayed on other device types, for example, if no other ads are available. If unspecified (no device preference), all devices are targeted. This is only supported by some ad types.
TEXTRequired. The Advertiser/brand name.
TEXTCall to action text.
TEXTRequired. Carousel cards that will display with the ad. Min 2 max 10.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this discovery carousel card.
TEXTRequired. The descriptive text of the ad.
TEXTRequired. Headline of the ad.
TEXTRequired. Logo image to be used in the ad. The minimum size is 128x128 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%).
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad business nameTEXTThe Advertiser/brand name. Maximum display width is 25. Required.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad call to action textTEXTCall to action text.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad descriptionsTEXTThe descriptive text of the ad. Maximum display width is 90. At least 1 and max 5 descriptions can be specified.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad headlinesTEXTHeadline text asset of the ad. Maximum display width is 30. At least 1 and max 5 headlines can be specified.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad lead form onlyBOOLEANBoolean option that indicates if this ad must be served with lead form.
TEXTLogo image assets to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 128x128 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%). At least 1 and max 5 logo images can be specified.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad marketing imagesTEXTMarketing image assets to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 600x314 and the aspect ratio must be 1.91:1 (+-1%). Required if square_marketing_images is not present. Combined with square_marketing_images and portrait_marketing_images the maximum is 20.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad portrait marketing imagesTEXTPortrait marketing image assets to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 480x600 and the aspect ratio must be 4:5 (+-1%). Combined with marketing_images and square_marketing_images the maximum is 20.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad portrait marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad square marketing imagesTEXTSquare marketing image assets to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 300x300 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%). Required if marketing_images is not present. Combined with marketing_images and portrait_marketing_images the maximum is 20.
Ad group ad ad discovery multi asset ad square marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
TEXTFirst part of text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL.
TEXTSecond part of text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL.
Ad group ad ad discovery video responsive ad business nameTEXTRequired. The advertiser/brand name.
Ad group ad ad discovery video responsive ad call to actionsTEXTAssets of type CallToActionAsset used for the "Call To Action" button.
Ad group ad ad discovery video responsive ad call to actions assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this call to action asset.
Ad group ad ad discovery video responsive ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets used for the description.
Ad group ad ad discovery video responsive ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets used for the short headline.
TEXTLogo image to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 128x128 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%).
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad discovery video responsive ad long headlinesTEXTList of text assets used for the long headline.
Ad group ad ad discovery video responsive ad videosTEXTList of YouTube video assets used for the ad.
Ad group ad ad discovery video responsive ad videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Ad group ad ad display upload ad display upload product typeTEXTThe product type of this ad. See comments on the enum for details.
Ad group ad ad display upload ad media bundleTEXTA media bundle asset to be used in the ad. For information about the media bundle for HTML5_UPLOAD_AD, see Media bundles that are part of dynamic product types use a special format that needs to be created through the Google Web Designer. See for more information.
Ad group ad ad display upload ad media bundle assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this media bundle.
Ad group ad ad display urlTEXTThe URL that appears in the ad description for some ad formats.
TEXTThe description of the ad.
TEXTThe second description of the ad.
Ad group ad ad expanded text ad descriptionTEXTThe description of the ad.
Ad group ad ad expanded text ad description2TEXTThe second description of the ad.
Ad group ad ad expanded text ad headline part1TEXTThe first part of the ad's headline.
Ad group ad ad expanded text ad headline part2TEXTThe second part of the ad's headline.
Ad group ad ad expanded text ad headline part3TEXTThe third part of the ad's headline.
Ad group ad ad expanded text ad path1TEXTThe text that can appear alongside the ad's displayed URL.
Ad group ad ad expanded text ad path2TEXTAdditional text that can appear alongside the ad's displayed URL.
Ad group ad ad final app urlsTEXTA list of final app URLs that will be used on mobile if the user has the specific app installed.
Ad group ad ad final mobile urlsTEXTThe list of possible final mobile URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the ad.
Ad group ad ad final url suffixTEXTThe suffix to use when constructing a final URL.
Ad group ad ad final urlsTEXTThe list of possible final URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the ad.
Ad group ad ad groupTEXTThe ad group to which the ad belongs.
TEXTDetails pertaining to a hotel ad.
Ad group ad ad idNUMERICThe ID of the ad.
Ad group ad ad image ad image asset assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad image ad image urlTEXTURL of the full size image.
Ad group ad ad image ad mime typeTEXTThe mime type of the image.
Ad group ad ad image ad nameTEXTThe name of the image. If the image was created from a MediaFile, this is the MediaFile's name. If the image was created from bytes, this is empty.
Ad group ad ad image ad pixel heightNUMERICHeight in pixels of the full size image.
Ad group ad ad image ad pixel widthNUMERICWidth in pixels of the full size image.
Ad group ad ad image ad preview image urlTEXTURL of the preview size image.
Ad group ad ad image ad preview pixel heightNUMERICHeight in pixels of the preview size image.
Ad group ad ad image ad preview pixel widthNUMERICWidth in pixels of the preview size image.
TEXTDetails pertaining to a legacy app install ad.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad accent colorTEXTThe accent color of the ad in hexadecimal, for example, #ffffff for white. If one of main_color and accent_color is set, the other is required as well.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad allow flexible colorBOOLEANAdvertiser's consent to allow flexible color. When true, the ad may be served with different color if necessary. When false, the ad will be served with the specified colors or a neutral color. The default value is true. Must be true if main_color and accent_color are not set.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad business nameTEXTThe business name in the ad.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad call to action textTEXTThe call-to-action text for the ad.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad descriptionTEXTThe description of the ad.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad format settingTEXTSpecifies which format the ad will be served in. Default is ALL_FORMATS.
TEXTThe MediaFile resource name of the logo image used in the ad.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad long headlineTEXTThe long version of the ad's headline.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad main colorTEXTThe main color of the ad in hexadecimal, for example, #ffffff for white. If one of main_color and accent_color is set, the other is required as well.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad marketing imageTEXTThe MediaFile resource name of the marketing image used in the ad.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad price prefixTEXTPrefix before price. For example, 'as low as'.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad promo textTEXTPromotion text used for dynamic formats of responsive ads. For example 'Free two-day shipping'.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad short headlineTEXTThe short version of the ad's headline.
TEXTThe MediaFile resource name of the square logo image used in the ad.
Ad group ad ad legacy responsive display ad square marketing imageTEXTThe MediaFile resource name of the square marketing image used in the ad.
Ad group ad ad local ad call to actionsTEXTList of text assets for call-to-actions. When the ad serves the call-to-actions will be selected from this list. At least 1 and at most 5 call-to-actions must be specified.
Ad group ad ad local ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list. At least 1 and at most 5 descriptions must be specified.
Ad group ad ad local ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets for headlines. When the ad serves the headlines will be selected from this list. At least 1 and at most 5 headlines must be specified.
TEXTList of logo image assets that may be displayed with the ad. The images must be 128x128 pixels and not larger than 120KB. At least 1 and at most 5 image assets must be specified.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad local ad marketing imagesTEXTList of marketing image assets that may be displayed with the ad. The images must be 314x600 pixels or 320x320 pixels. At least 1 and at most 20 image assets must be specified.
Ad group ad ad local ad marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad local ad path1TEXTFirst part of optional text that can be appended to the URL in the ad.
Ad group ad ad local ad path2TEXTSecond part of optional text that can be appended to the URL in the ad. This field can only be set when path1 is also set.
Ad group ad ad local ad videosTEXTList of YouTube video assets that may be displayed with the ad. At least 1 and at most 20 video assets must be specified.
Ad group ad ad local ad videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Ad group ad ad nameTEXTThe name of the ad. This is only used to be able to identify the ad. It does not need to be unique and does not affect the served ad. The name field is currently only supported for DisplayUploadAd, ImageAd, ShoppingComparisonListingAd and VideoAd.
Ad group ad ad resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the ad. Ad resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/ads/{ad_id}
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad accent colorTEXTThe accent color of the ad in hexadecimal, for example, #ffffff for white. If one of main_color and accent_color is set, the other is required as well.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad allow flexible colorBOOLEANAdvertiser's consent to allow flexible color. When true, the ad may be served with different color if necessary. When false, the ad will be served with the specified colors or a neutral color. The default value is true. Must be true if main_color and accent_color are not set.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad business nameTEXTThe advertiser/brand name. Maximum display width is 25.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad call to action textTEXTThe call-to-action text for the ad. Maximum display width is 30.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad control spec enable asset enhancementsBOOLEANWhether the advertiser has opted into the asset enhancements feature.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad control spec enable autogen videoBOOLEANWhether the advertiser has opted into auto-gen video feature.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad descriptionsTEXTDescriptive texts for the ad. The maximum length is 90 characters. At least 1 and max 5 headlines can be specified.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad format settingTEXTSpecifies which format the ad will be served in. Default is ALL_FORMATS.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad headlinesTEXTShort format headlines for the ad. The maximum length is 30 characters. At least 1 and max 5 headlines can be specified.
TEXTLogo images to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 512x128 and the aspect ratio must be 4:1 (+-1%). Combined with square_logo_images, the maximum is 5.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad long headlineTEXTA required long format headline. The maximum length is 90 characters.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad main colorTEXTThe main color of the ad in hexadecimal, for example, #ffffff for white. If one of main_color and accent_color is set, the other is required as well.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad marketing imagesTEXTMarketing images to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 600x314 and the aspect ratio must be 1.91:1 (+-1%). At least one marketing_image is required. Combined with square_marketing_images, the maximum is 15.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad price prefixTEXTPrefix before price. For example, 'as low as'.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad promo textTEXTPromotion text used for dynamic formats of responsive ads. For example 'Free two-day shipping'.
TEXTSquare logo images to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 128x128 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%). Combined with logo_images, the maximum is 5.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad square marketing imagesTEXTSquare marketing images to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 300x300 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%). At least one square marketing_image is required. Combined with marketing_images, the maximum is 15.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad square marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad youtube videosTEXTOptional YouTube videos for the ad. A maximum of 5 videos can be specified.
Ad group ad ad responsive display ad youtube videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
TEXTList of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list.
TEXTList of text assets for headlines. When the ad serves the headlines will be selected from this list.
TEXTFirst part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad.
TEXTSecond part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad. This field can only be set when path1 is also set.
Ad group ad ad shopping comparison listing ad headlineTEXTHeadline of the ad. This field is required. Allowed length is between 25 and 45 characters.
TEXTDetails pertaining to a Shopping product ad.
TEXTDetails pertaining to a Smart Shopping ad.
Ad group ad ad smart campaign ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets, each of which corresponds to a description when the ad serves. This list consists of a minimum of 2 and up to 4 text assets.
Ad group ad ad smart campaign ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets, each of which corresponds to a headline when the ad serves. This list consists of a minimum of 3 and up to 15 text assets.
Ad group ad ad strengthTEXTOverall ad strength for this ad group ad.
Ad group ad ad system managed resource sourceTEXTIf this ad is system managed, then this field will indicate the source. This field is read-only.
Ad group ad ad text ad description1TEXTThe first line of the ad's description.
Ad group ad ad text ad description2TEXTThe second line of the ad's description.
Ad group ad ad text ad headlineTEXTThe headline of the ad.
Ad group ad ad tracking url templateTEXTThe URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
TEXTDetails pertaining to a travel ad.
Ad group ad ad typeTEXTThe type of ad.
Ad group ad ad url collectionsTEXTAdditional URLs for the ad that are tagged with a unique identifier that can be referenced from other fields in the ad.
Ad group ad ad url custom parametersTEXTThe list of mappings that can be used to substitute custom parameter tags in a tracking_url_template, final_urls, or mobile_final_urls. For mutates, use url custom parameter operations.
Ad group ad ad video ad bumper action button labelTEXTLabel on the "Call To Action" button taking the user to the video ad's final URL.
Ad group ad ad video ad bumper action headlineTEXTAdditional text displayed with the CTA (call-to-action) button to give context and encourage clicking on the button.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad video ad in feed description1TEXTFirst text line for the ad.
Ad group ad ad video ad in feed description2TEXTSecond text line for the ad.
Ad group ad ad video ad in feed headlineTEXTThe headline of the ad.
Ad group ad ad video ad in feed thumbnailTEXTVideo thumbnail image to use.
Ad group ad ad video ad in stream action button labelTEXTLabel on the CTA (call-to-action) button taking the user to the video ad's final URL. Required for TrueView for action campaigns, optional otherwise.
Ad group ad ad video ad in stream action headlineTEXTAdditional text displayed with the CTA (call-to-action) button to give context and encourage clicking on the button.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad video ad non skippable action button labelTEXTLabel on the "Call To Action" button taking the user to the video ad's final URL.
Ad group ad ad video ad non skippable action headlineTEXTAdditional text displayed with the "Call To Action" button to give context and encourage clicking on the button.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad video ad out stream descriptionTEXTThe description line.
Ad group ad ad video ad out stream headlineTEXTThe headline of the ad.
Ad group ad ad video ad video assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
TEXTFirst part of text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL.
TEXTSecond part of text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL.
Ad group ad ad video responsive ad call to actionsTEXTList of text assets used for the button, for example, the "Call To Action" button. Currently, only a single value for the button is supported.
Ad group ad ad video responsive ad companion bannersTEXTList of image assets used for the companion banner. Currently, only a single value for the companion banner asset is supported.
Ad group ad ad video responsive ad companion banners assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad group ad ad video responsive ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets used for the description. Currently, only a single value for the description is supported.
Ad group ad ad video responsive ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets used for the short headline. Currently, only a single value for the short headline is supported.
Ad group ad ad video responsive ad long headlinesTEXTList of text assets used for the long headline. Currently, only a single value for the long headline is supported.
Ad group ad ad video responsive ad videosTEXTList of YouTube video assets used for the ad. Currently, only a single value for the YouTube video asset is supported.
Ad group ad ad video responsive ad videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
TEXTThe ad group ad to which the asset is linked.
Ad group ad asset view assetTEXTThe asset which is linked to the ad group ad.
Ad group ad asset view enabledBOOLEANThe status between the asset and the latest version of the ad. If true, the asset is linked to the latest version of the ad. If false, it means the link once existed but has been removed and is no longer present in the latest version of the ad.
Ad group ad asset view field typeTEXTRole that the asset takes in the ad.
Ad group ad asset view performance labelTEXTPerformance of an asset linkage.
Ad group ad asset view pinned fieldTEXTPinned field.
Ad group ad asset view policy summaryTEXTPolicy information for the ad group ad asset.
Ad group ad asset view resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the ad group ad asset view. Ad group ad asset view resource names have the form (Before V4): customers/{customer_id}/adGroupAdAssets/{AdGroupAdAsset.ad_group_id}~{}~{AdGroupAdAsset.asset_id}~{AdGroupAdAsset.field_type} Ad group ad asset view resource names have the form (Beginning from V4): customers/{customer_id}/adGroupAdAssetViews/{AdGroupAdAsset.ad_group_id}~{AdGroupAdAsset.ad_id}~{AdGroupAdAsset.asset_id}~{AdGroupAdAsset.field_type}
Ad group ad asset view sourceTEXTSource of the ad group ad asset.
Ad group ad asset view source assetTEXTSource of the ad group ad asset.
Ad group ad labelsTEXTThe resource names of labels attached to this ad group ad.
Ad group ad policy summary approval statusTEXTThe overall approval status of this ad, calculated based on the status of its individual policy topic entries.
Ad group ad policy summary policy topic entriesTEXTThe list of policy findings for this ad.
Ad group ad policy summary review statusTEXTWhere in the review process this ad is.
Ad group ad resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the ad. Ad group ad resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/adGroupAds/{ad_group_id}~{ad_id}
Ad group ad statusTEXTThe status of the ad.
Ad group audience setting use audience groupedBOOLEANIf true, this campaign uses an Audience resource for audience targeting. If false, this campaign may use audience segment criteria instead.
Ad group criterion ad groupTEXTThe ad group to which the criterion belongs.
Ad group criterion app payment model typeTEXTType of the app payment model.
Ad group criterion audience audienceTEXTThe Audience resource name.
Ad group criterion combined audience combined audienceTEXTThe CombinedAudience resource name.
Ad group criterion cpc bid microsNUMERICThe CPC (cost-per-click) bid.
Ad group criterion cpm bid microsNUMERICThe CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid.
Ad group criterion cpv bid microsNUMERICThe CPV (cost-per-view) bid.
Ad group criterion custom affinity custom affinityTEXTThe CustomInterest resource name.
Ad group criterion custom audience custom audienceTEXTThe CustomAudience resource name.
Ad group criterion custom intent custom intentTEXTThe CustomInterest resource name.
Ad group criterion disapproval reasonsTEXTList of disapproval reasons of the criterion. The different reasons for disapproving a criterion can be found here: This field is read-only.
Ad group criterion display nameTEXTThe display name of the criterion. This field is ignored for mutates.
Ad group criterion effective cpv bid microsNUMERICThe effective CPV (cost-per-view) bid.
Ad group criterion effective cpv bid sourceTEXTSource of the effective CPV bid.
Ad group criterion effective percent cpc bid microsNUMERICThe effective Percent CPC bid amount.
Ad group criterion effective percent cpc bid sourceTEXTSource of the effective Percent CPC bid.
Ad group criterion income range typeTEXTType of the income range.
Ad group criterion labelsTEXTThe resource names of labels attached to this ad group criterion.
Ad group criterion language language constantTEXTThe language constant resource name.
Ad group criterion listing group case value activity country valueCOUNTRYString value of the activity country. The Geo Target Constant resource name.
Ad group criterion listing group case value activity id valueTEXTString value of the activity ID.
Ad group criterion listing group case value activity rating valueNUMERICLong value of the activity rating.
Ad group criterion listing group case value hotel city city criterionCITYThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Ad group criterion listing group case value hotel class valueNUMERICLong value of the hotel class.
Ad group criterion listing group case value hotel country region country region criterionREGIONThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Ad group criterion listing group case value hotel id valueTEXTString value of the hotel ID.
Ad group criterion listing group case value hotel state state criterionTEXTThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Ad group criterion listing group case value product brand valueTEXTString value of the product brand.
Ad group criterion listing group case value product category category idNUMERICID of the product category. This ID is equivalent to the google_product_category ID as described in this article:
Ad group criterion listing group case value product category levelTEXTLevel of the product category.
Ad group criterion listing group case value product channel channelTEXTValue of the locality.
Ad group criterion listing group case value product channel exclusivity channel exclusivityTEXTValue of the availability.
Ad group criterion listing group case value product condition conditionTEXTValue of the condition.
Ad group criterion listing group case value product custom attribute indexTEXTIndicates the index of the custom attribute.
Ad group criterion listing group case value product custom attribute valueTEXTString value of the product custom attribute.
Ad group criterion listing group case value product item id valueTEXTValue of the id.
Ad group criterion listing group case value product type levelTEXTLevel of the type.
Ad group criterion listing group case value product type valueTEXTValue of the type.
Ad group criterion listing group parent ad group criterionTEXTResource name of ad group criterion which is the parent listing group subdivision. Null for the root group.
Ad group criterion listing group pathTEXTThe path of dimensions defining this listing group.
Ad group criterion listing group typeTEXTType of the listing group.
Ad group criterion location geo target constantTEXTThe geo target constant resource name.
Ad group criterion mobile app category mobile app category constantTEXTThe mobile app category constant resource name.
Ad group criterion mobile application app idTEXTA string that uniquely identifies a mobile application to Google Ads API. The format of this string is "{platform}-{platform_native_id}", where platform is "1" for iOS apps and "2" for Android apps, and where platform_native_id is the mobile application identifier native to the corresponding platform. For iOS, this native identifier is the 9 digit string that appears at the end of an App Store URL (for example, "476943146" for "Flood-It! 2" whose App Store link is "!-2/id476943146"). For Android, this native identifier is the application's package name (for example, "com.labpixies.colordrips" for "Color Drips" given Google Play link ""). A well formed app id for Google Ads API would thus be "1-476943146" for iOS and "2-com.labpixies.colordrips" for Android. This field is required and must be set in CREATE operations.
Ad group criterion mobile application nameTEXTName of this mobile application.
Ad group criterion parental status typeTEXTType of the parental status.
Ad group criterion percent cpc bid microsNUMERICThe CPC bid amount, expressed as a fraction of the advertised price for some good or service. The valid range for the fraction is [0,1) and the value stored here is 1,000,000 * [fraction].
Ad group criterion placement urlTEXTURL of the placement. For example, "".
Ad group criterion resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the ad group criterion. Ad group criterion resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/adGroupCriteria/{ad_group_id}~{criterion_id}
Ad group criterion topic pathTEXTThe category to target or exclude. Each subsequent element in the array describes a more specific sub-category. For example, "Pets & Animals", "Pets", "Dogs" represents the "Pets & Animals/Pets/Dogs" category.
Ad group criterion typeTEXTThe type of the criterion.
Ad group criterion user interest user interest categoryTEXTThe UserInterest resource name.
Ad group criterion user list user listTEXTThe User List resource name.
Ad group criterion webpage conditionsTEXTConditions, or logical expressions, for webpage targeting. The list of webpage targeting conditions are and-ed together when evaluated for targeting. An empty list of conditions indicates all pages of the campaign's website are targeted. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Ad group criterion webpage coverage percentageNUMERICWebsite criteria coverage percentage. This is the computed percentage of website coverage based on the website target, negative website target and negative keywords in the ad group and campaign. For instance, when coverage returns as 1, it indicates it has 100% coverage. This field is read-only.
Ad group criterion webpage criterion nameTEXTThe name of the criterion that is defined by this parameter. The name value will be used for identifying, sorting and filtering criteria with this type of parameters. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Ad group criterion webpage sample sample urlsTEXTWebpage sample urls
Ad group criterion youtube channel channel idTEXTThe YouTube uploader channel id or the channel code of a YouTube channel.
Ad group criterion youtube video video idTEXTYouTube video id as it appears on the YouTube watch page.
Ad group effective cpc bid microsNUMERICValue will be same as that of the CPC (cost-per-click) bid value when the bidding strategy is one of manual cpc, enhanced cpc, page one promoted or target outrank share, otherwise the value will be null.
Ad group excluded parent asset field typesTEXTThe asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from the upper levels.
Ad group excluded parent asset set typesTEXTThe asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the upper levels. Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP, CHAIN_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP, and STATIC_LOCATION_GROUP) are child types of LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group, and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE) will not be served under this ad group. Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
Ad group idTEXTThe ID of the ad group.
Ad group labelsTEXTThe resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
Ad group nameTEXTThe name of the ad group. This field is required and should not be empty when creating new ad groups. It must contain fewer than 255 UTF-8 full-width characters. It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
Ad group optimized targeting enabledBOOLEANTrue if optimized targeting is enabled. Optimized Targeting is the replacement for Audience Expansion.
Ad group percent cpc bid microsNUMERICThe percent cpc bid amount, expressed as a fraction of the advertised price for some good or service. The valid range for the fraction is [0,1) and the value stored here is 1,000,000 * [fraction].
Ad group resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the ad group. Ad group resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/adGroups/{ad_group_id}
Ad group statusTEXTThe status of the ad group.
Ad group target cpa microsNUMERICThe target CPA (cost-per-acquisition). If the ad group's campaign bidding strategy is TargetCpa or MaximizeConversions (with its target_cpa field set), then this field overrides the target CPA specified in the campaign's bidding strategy. Otherwise, this value is ignored.
Ad group target cpm microsNUMERICAverage amount in micros that the advertiser is willing to pay for every thousand times the ad is shown.
Ad group target roasNUMERICThe target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend) override. If the ad group's campaign bidding strategy is TargetRoas or MaximizeConversionValue (with its target_roas field set), then this field overrides the target ROAS specified in the campaign's bidding strategy. Otherwise, this value is ignored.
Ad group typeTEXTThe type of the ad group.
TEXTDetails pertaining to a hotel ad.
Ad idTEXTThe ID of the ad.
Ad image ad image asset assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad image ad image urlTEXTURL of the full size image.
Ad image ad mime typeTEXTThe mime type of the image.
Ad image ad nameTEXTThe name of the image. If the image was created from a MediaFile, this is the MediaFile's name. If the image was created from bytes, this is empty.
Ad image ad pixel heightNUMERICHeight in pixels of the full size image.
Ad image ad pixel widthNUMERICWidth in pixels of the full size image.
Ad image ad preview image urlTEXTURL of the preview size image.
Ad image ad preview pixel heightNUMERICHeight in pixels of the preview size image.
Ad image ad preview pixel widthNUMERICWidth in pixels of the preview size image.
TEXTDetails pertaining to a legacy app install ad.
Ad legacy responsive display ad accent colorTEXTThe accent color of the ad in hexadecimal, for example, #ffffff for white. If one of main_color and accent_color is set, the other is required as well.
Ad legacy responsive display ad allow flexible colorBOOLEANAdvertiser's consent to allow flexible color. When true, the ad may be served with different color if necessary. When false, the ad will be served with the specified colors or a neutral color. The default value is true. Must be true if main_color and accent_color are not set.
Ad legacy responsive display ad business nameTEXTThe business name in the ad.
Ad legacy responsive display ad call to action textTEXTThe call-to-action text for the ad.
Ad legacy responsive display ad descriptionTEXTThe description of the ad.
Ad legacy responsive display ad format settingTEXTSpecifies which format the ad will be served in. Default is ALL_FORMATS.
TEXTThe MediaFile resource name of the logo image used in the ad.
Ad legacy responsive display ad long headlineTEXTThe long version of the ad's headline.
Ad legacy responsive display ad main colorTEXTThe main color of the ad in hexadecimal, for example, #ffffff for white. If one of main_color and accent_color is set, the other is required as well.
Ad legacy responsive display ad marketing imageTEXTThe MediaFile resource name of the marketing image used in the ad.
Ad legacy responsive display ad price prefixTEXTPrefix before price. For example, 'as low as'.
Ad legacy responsive display ad promo textTEXTPromotion text used for dynamic formats of responsive ads. For example 'Free two-day shipping'.
Ad legacy responsive display ad short headlineTEXTThe short version of the ad's headline.
TEXTThe MediaFile resource name of the square logo image used in the ad.
Ad legacy responsive display ad square marketing imageTEXTThe MediaFile resource name of the square marketing image used in the ad.
Ad local ad call to actionsTEXTList of text assets for call-to-actions. When the ad serves the call-to-actions will be selected from this list. At least 1 and at most 5 call-to-actions must be specified.
Ad local ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list. At least 1 and at most 5 descriptions must be specified.
Ad local ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets for headlines. When the ad serves the headlines will be selected from this list. At least 1 and at most 5 headlines must be specified.
TEXTList of logo image assets that may be displayed with the ad. The images must be 128x128 pixels and not larger than 120KB. At least 1 and at most 5 image assets must be specified.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad local ad marketing imagesTEXTList of marketing image assets that may be displayed with the ad. The images must be 314x600 pixels or 320x320 pixels. At least 1 and at most 20 image assets must be specified.
Ad local ad marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad local ad path1TEXTFirst part of optional text that can be appended to the URL in the ad.
Ad local ad path2TEXTSecond part of optional text that can be appended to the URL in the ad. This field can only be set when path1 is also set.
Ad local ad videosTEXTList of YouTube video assets that may be displayed with the ad. At least 1 and at most 20 video assets must be specified.
Ad local ad videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Ad nameTEXTThe name of the ad. This is only used to be able to identify the ad. It does not need to be unique and does not affect the served ad. The name field is currently only supported for DisplayUploadAd, ImageAd, ShoppingComparisonListingAd and VideoAd.
Ad network typeTEXTAd network type.
Ad network type1TEXTAd network type.
Ad network type2TEXTAd network type.
Ad resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the ad. Ad resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/ads/{ad_id}
Ad responsive display ad accent colorTEXTThe accent color of the ad in hexadecimal, for example, #ffffff for white. If one of main_color and accent_color is set, the other is required as well.
Ad responsive display ad allow flexible colorBOOLEANAdvertiser's consent to allow flexible color. When true, the ad may be served with different color if necessary. When false, the ad will be served with the specified colors or a neutral color. The default value is true. Must be true if main_color and accent_color are not set.
Ad responsive display ad business nameTEXTThe advertiser/brand name. Maximum display width is 25.
Ad responsive display ad call to action textTEXTThe call-to-action text for the ad. Maximum display width is 30.
Ad responsive display ad control spec enable asset enhancementsBOOLEANWhether the advertiser has opted into the asset enhancements feature.
Ad responsive display ad control spec enable autogen videoBOOLEANWhether the advertiser has opted into auto-gen video feature.
Ad responsive display ad descriptionsTEXTDescriptive texts for the ad. The maximum length is 90 characters. At least 1 and max 5 headlines can be specified.
Ad responsive display ad format settingTEXTSpecifies which format the ad will be served in. Default is ALL_FORMATS.
Ad responsive display ad headlinesTEXTShort format headlines for the ad. The maximum length is 30 characters. At least 1 and max 5 headlines can be specified.
TEXTLogo images to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 512x128 and the aspect ratio must be 4:1 (+-1%). Combined with square_logo_images, the maximum is 5.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad responsive display ad long headlineTEXTA required long format headline. The maximum length is 90 characters.
Ad responsive display ad main colorTEXTThe main color of the ad in hexadecimal, for example, #ffffff for white. If one of main_color and accent_color is set, the other is required as well.
Ad responsive display ad marketing imagesTEXTMarketing images to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 600x314 and the aspect ratio must be 1.91:1 (+-1%). At least one marketing_image is required. Combined with square_marketing_images, the maximum is 15.
Ad responsive display ad marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad responsive display ad price prefixTEXTPrefix before price. For example, 'as low as'.
Ad responsive display ad promo textTEXTPromotion text used for dynamic formats of responsive ads. For example 'Free two-day shipping'.
TEXTSquare logo images to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 128x128 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%). Combined with logo_images, the maximum is 5.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad responsive display ad square marketing imagesTEXTSquare marketing images to be used in the ad. Valid image types are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The minimum size is 300x300 and the aspect ratio must be 1:1 (+-1%). At least one square marketing_image is required. Combined with marketing_images, the maximum is 15.
Ad responsive display ad square marketing images assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad responsive display ad youtube videosTEXTOptional YouTube videos for the ad. A maximum of 5 videos can be specified.
Ad responsive display ad youtube videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
TEXTList of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list.
TEXTList of text assets for headlines. When the ad serves the headlines will be selected from this list.
TEXTFirst part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad.
TEXTSecond part of text that can be appended to the URL in the ad. This field can only be set when path1 is also set.
Ad rotation modeTEXTThe ad rotation mode of the ad group.
Ad schedule day of weekTEXTDay of the week the schedule applies to. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Ad schedule end hourNUMERICEnding hour in 24 hour time; 24 signifies end of the day. This field must be between 0 and 24, inclusive. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Ad schedule end minuteTEXTMinutes after the end hour at which this schedule ends. The schedule is exclusive of the end minute. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Ad schedule start hourNUMERICStarting hour in 24 hour time. This field must be between 0 and 23, inclusive. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Ad schedule start minuteTEXTMinutes after the start hour at which this schedule starts. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Ad serving optimization statusTEXTThe ad serving optimization status of the campaign.
Ad shopping comparison listing ad headlineTEXTHeadline of the ad. This field is required. Allowed length is between 25 and 45 characters.
TEXTDetails pertaining to a Shopping product ad.
TEXTDetails pertaining to a Smart Shopping ad.
Ad smart campaign ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets, each of which corresponds to a description when the ad serves. This list consists of a minimum of 2 and up to 4 text assets.
Ad smart campaign ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets, each of which corresponds to a headline when the ad serves. This list consists of a minimum of 3 and up to 15 text assets.
Ad strengthTEXTOverall ad strength for this ad group ad.
Ad system managed resource sourceTEXTIf this ad is system managed, then this field will indicate the source. This field is read-only.
Ad text ad description1TEXTThe first line of the ad's description.
Ad text ad description2TEXTThe second line of the ad's description.
Ad text ad headlineTEXTThe headline of the ad.
Ad tracking url templateTEXTThe URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
TEXTDetails pertaining to a travel ad.
Ad typeTEXTThe type of ad.
Ad url collectionsTEXTAdditional URLs for the ad that are tagged with a unique identifier that can be referenced from other fields in the ad.
Ad url custom parametersTEXTThe list of mappings that can be used to substitute custom parameter tags in a tracking_url_template, final_urls, or mobile_final_urls. For mutates, use url custom parameter operations.
Ad video ad bumper action button labelTEXTLabel on the "Call To Action" button taking the user to the video ad's final URL.
Ad video ad bumper action headlineTEXTAdditional text displayed with the CTA (call-to-action) button to give context and encourage clicking on the button.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad video ad in feed description1TEXTFirst text line for the ad.
Ad video ad in feed description2TEXTSecond text line for the ad.
Ad video ad in feed headlineTEXTThe headline of the ad.
Ad video ad in feed thumbnailTEXTVideo thumbnail image to use.
Ad video ad in stream action button labelTEXTLabel on the CTA (call-to-action) button taking the user to the video ad's final URL. Required for TrueView for action campaigns, optional otherwise.
Ad video ad in stream action headlineTEXTAdditional text displayed with the CTA (call-to-action) button to give context and encourage clicking on the button.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad video ad non skippable action button labelTEXTLabel on the "Call To Action" button taking the user to the video ad's final URL.
Ad video ad non skippable action headlineTEXTAdditional text displayed with the "Call To Action" button to give context and encourage clicking on the button.
TEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad video ad out stream descriptionTEXTThe description line.
Ad video ad out stream headlineTEXTThe headline of the ad.
Ad video ad video assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
TEXTFirst part of text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL.
TEXTSecond part of text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL.
Ad video responsive ad call to actionsTEXTList of text assets used for the button, for example, the "Call To Action" button. Currently, only a single value for the button is supported.
Ad video responsive ad companion bannersTEXTList of image assets used for the companion banner. Currently, only a single value for the companion banner asset is supported.
Ad video responsive ad companion banners assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this image.
Ad video responsive ad descriptionsTEXTList of text assets used for the description. Currently, only a single value for the description is supported.
Ad video responsive ad headlinesTEXTList of text assets used for the short headline. Currently, only a single value for the short headline is supported.
Ad video responsive ad long headlinesTEXTList of text assets used for the long headline. Currently, only a single value for the long headline is supported.
Ad video responsive ad videosTEXTList of YouTube video assets used for the ad. Currently, only a single value for the YouTube video asset is supported.
Ad video responsive ad videos assetTEXTThe Asset resource name of this video.
Adnetwork conversionsNUMERICThe total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless of the value of include_in_conversions_metric.
Adnetwork revenueNUMERICThe value of all conversions.
Advertising channel sub typeTEXTOptional refinement to advertising_channel_type. Must be a valid sub-type of the parent channel type. Can be set only when creating campaigns. After campaign is created, the field can not be changed.
Advertising channel typeTEXTThe primary serving target for ads within the campaign. The targeting options can be refined in network_settings. This field is required and should not be empty when creating new campaigns. Can be set only when creating campaigns. After the campaign is created, the field can not be changed.
Age range typeTEXTType of the age range.
Age range view resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the age range view. Age range view resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/ageRangeViews/{ad_group_id}~{criterion_id}
Aggregator idNUMERICAggregator ID of the product.
Aligned bidding strategy idNUMERICID of the portfolio bidding strategy that this shared campaign budget is aligned with. When a bidding strategy and a campaign budget are aligned, they are attached to the same set of campaigns. After a campaign budget is aligned with a bidding strategy, campaigns that are added to the campaign budget must also use the aligned bidding strategy.
Aligned campaign budget idNUMERICID of the campaign budget that this portfolio bidding strategy is aligned with. When a portfolio and a campaign budget are aligned, that means that they are attached to the same set of campaigns. After a bidding strategy is aligned with a campaign budget, campaigns that are added to the bidding strategy must also use the aligned campaign budget.
All conversion ratePERCENTAll conversions from interactions (as oppose to view through conversions) divided by the number of ad interactions.
All conversion valueNUMERICThe value of all conversions.
All conversionsNUMERICThe total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless of the value of include_in_conversions_metric.
All conversions by conversion dateNUMERICThe total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless of the value of include_in_conversions_metric. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at
All conversions from click to callNUMERICThe number of times people clicked the "Call" button to call a store during or after clicking an ad. This number doesn't include whether or not calls were connected, or the duration of any calls. This metric applies to feed items only.
All conversions from directionsNUMERICThe number of times people clicked a "Get directions" button to navigate to a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
All conversions from interactions rateNUMERICAll conversions from interactions (as oppose to view through conversions) divided by the number of ad interactions.
All conversions from interactions value per interactionNUMERICThe value of all conversions from interactions divided by the total number of interactions.
All conversions from location asset click to callNUMERICNumber of call button clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based location.
All conversions from location asset directionsNUMERICNumber of driving directions clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based location.
NUMERICNumber of menu link clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based location.
All conversions from location asset orderNUMERICNumber of order clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based location.
All conversions from location asset other engagementNUMERICNumber of other types of local action clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based location.
All conversions from location asset store visitsNUMERICEstimated number of visits to the store after a chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based location.
All conversions from location asset websiteNUMERICNumber of website URL clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based location.
NUMERICThe number of times people clicked a link to view a store's menu after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
All conversions from orderNUMERICThe number of times people placed an order at a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
All conversions from other engagementNUMERICThe number of other conversions (for example, posting a review or saving a location for a store) that occurred after people clicked an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
All conversions from store visitNUMERICEstimated number of times people visited a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
All conversions from store websiteNUMERICThe number of times that people were taken to a store's URL after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
All conversions valueNUMERICThe value of all conversions.
All conversions value by conversion dateNUMERICThe value of all conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at
All conversions value per costNUMERICThe value of all conversions divided by the total cost of ad interactions (such as clicks for text ads or views for video ads).
All new customer lifetime valueNUMERICAll of new customers' lifetime conversion value. If you have set up customer acquisition goal at either account level or campaign level, this will include the additional conversion value from new customers for both biddable and non-biddable conversions. If your campaign has adopted the customer acquisition goal and selected "bid higher for new customers", these values will be included in "all_conversions_value". See for more details.
AmountNUMERICThe amount of the budget for the selected date range, in the local currency for the account.
Amount microsNUMERICThe amount of the budget for the selected date range, in the local currency for the account. Amount is specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
App campaign setting app idTEXTA string that uniquely identifies a mobile application.
App campaign setting app storeTEXTThe application store that distributes this specific app.
App campaign setting bidding strategy goal typeTEXTRepresents the goal which the bidding strategy of this app campaign should optimize towards.
App payment model typeTEXTType of the app payment model.
Approval statusTEXTApproval status of the criterion.
Asset IDTEXTThe asset which is linked to the ad group ad.
Asset automation settingsTEXTContains the opt-in/out status of each AssetAutomationType. See documentation of each asset automation type enum for default opt in/out behavior.
Asset book on google assetTEXTA book on google asset.
Asset call asset ad schedule targetsTEXTList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve. There can be a maximum of 6 schedules per day, 42 in total.
Asset call asset call conversion actionTEXTThe conversion action to attribute a call conversion to. If not set, the default conversion action is used. This field only has effect if call_conversion_reporting_state is set to USE_RESOURCE_LEVEL_CALL_CONVERSION_ACTION.
Asset call asset call conversion reporting stateTEXTIndicates whether this CallAsset should use its own call conversion setting, follow the account level setting, or disable call conversion.
Asset call asset country codeTEXTRequired. Two-letter country code of the phone number. Examples: 'US', 'us'.
Asset call asset phone numberTEXTRequired. The advertiser's raw phone number. Examples: '1234567890', '(123)456-7890'
Asset call to action asset call to actionTEXTCall to action.
Asset callout asset ad schedule targetsTEXTList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve. There can be a maximum of 6 schedules per day, 42 in total.
Asset callout asset callout textTEXTRequired. The callout text. The length of this string should be between 1 and 25, inclusive.
Asset callout asset end dateDATELast date of when this asset is effective and still serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Asset callout asset start dateDATEStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
TEXTCall to action text.
TEXTRequired. Headline of the carousel card.
TEXTAsset resource name of the associated 1.91:1 marketing image. This and/or square marketing image asset is required.
TEXTAsset resource name of the associated 4:5 portrait marketing image.
TEXTAsset resource name of the associated square marketing image. This and/or a marketing image asset is required.
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Asset dynamic custom asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Sedans, 4 door sedans.
Asset dynamic custom asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $20,000.00.
Asset dynamic custom asset formatted sale priceTEXTFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $15,000.00.
Asset dynamic custom asset idTEXTRequired. ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag, for example, sedan. Required.
Asset dynamic custom asset id2TEXTID2 which can be any sequence of letters and digits, for example, red. ID sequence (ID + ID2) must be unique.
Asset dynamic custom asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Asset dynamic custom asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Asset dynamic custom asset item addressTEXTItem address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
Asset dynamic custom asset item categoryTEXTItem category, for example, Sedans.
Asset dynamic custom asset item descriptionTEXTItem description, for example, Best selling mid-size car.
Asset dynamic custom asset item subtitleTEXTItem subtitle, for example, At your Mountain View dealership.
Asset dynamic custom asset item titleTEXTRequired. Item title, for example, Mid-size sedan. Required.
Asset dynamic custom asset priceTEXTPrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 20,000.00 USD.
Asset dynamic custom asset sale priceTEXTSale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 15,000.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field.
Asset dynamic custom asset similar idsTEXTSimilar IDs.
Asset dynamic education asset addressTEXTSchool address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Asset dynamic education asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Nursing certification, Health, Mountain View.
Asset dynamic education asset image urlTEXTImage url, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Asset dynamic education asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Asset dynamic education asset location idTEXTLocation ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and must be unique.
Asset dynamic education asset program descriptionTEXTProgram description, for example, Nursing Certification.
Asset dynamic education asset program idTEXTRequired. Program ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Asset dynamic education asset program nameTEXTRequired. Program name, for example, Nursing. Required.
Asset dynamic education asset school nameTEXTSchool name, for example, Mountain View School of Nursing.
Asset dynamic education asset similar program idsTEXTSimilar program IDs.
Asset dynamic education asset subjectTEXTSubject of study, for example, Health.
Asset dynamic education asset thumbnail image urlTEXTThumbnail image url, for example, The thumbnail image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Asset dynamic flights asset custom mappingTEXTA custom field which can be multiple key to values mapping separated by delimiters (",", "|" and ":"), in the forms of ": , , ... , | : , ... , | ... | : , ... ," for example, wifi: most | aircraft: 320, 77W | flights: 42 | legroom: 32".
Asset dynamic flights asset destination idTEXTRequired. Destination ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Asset dynamic flights asset destination nameTEXTDestination name, for example, Paris.
Asset dynamic flights asset flight descriptionTEXTRequired. Flight description, for example, Book your ticket. Required.
Asset dynamic flights asset flight priceTEXTFlight price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD.
Asset dynamic flights asset flight sale priceTEXTFlight sale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'flight_price' field.
Asset dynamic flights asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00.
Asset dynamic flights asset formatted sale priceTEXTFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00.
Asset dynamic flights asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Asset dynamic flights asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Asset dynamic flights asset origin idTEXTOrigin ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits. The ID sequence (destination ID + origin ID) must be unique.
Asset dynamic flights asset origin nameTEXTOrigin name, for example, London.
Asset dynamic flights asset similar destination idsTEXTSimilar destination IDs, for example, PAR,LON.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset addressTEXTAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset categoryTEXTCategory, for example, Hotel suite.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Mountain View "Hotels", South Bay hotels.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset descriptionTEXTDescription, for example, Close to SJC Airport.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset destination nameTEXTDestination name, for example, Downtown Mountain View.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset formatted sale priceTEXTFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset priceTEXTPrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset property idTEXTRequired. Property ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset property nameTEXTRequired. Property name, for example, Mountain View Hotel. Required.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset sale priceTEXTISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset similar property idsTEXTSimilar property IDs.
Asset dynamic hotels and rentals asset star ratingNUMERICStar rating. Must be a number between 1 to 5, inclusive.
Asset dynamic jobs asset addressTEXTAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403.
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Asset dynamic jobs asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Software engineering job.
Asset dynamic jobs asset descriptionTEXTDescription, for example, Apply your technical skills.
Asset dynamic jobs asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Asset dynamic jobs asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Asset dynamic jobs asset job categoryTEXTJob category, for example, Technical.
Asset dynamic jobs asset job idTEXTRequired. Job ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Asset dynamic jobs asset job subtitleTEXTJob subtitle, for example, Level II.
Asset dynamic jobs asset job titleTEXTRequired. Job title, for example, Software engineer. Required.
Asset dynamic jobs asset location idTEXTLocation ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits. The ID sequence (job ID + location ID) must be unique.
Asset dynamic jobs asset salaryTEXTSalary, for example, $100,000.
Asset dynamic jobs asset similar job idsTEXTSimilar job IDs, for example, 1275.
Asset dynamic local asset addressTEXTAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403.
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Asset dynamic local asset categoryTEXTCategory, for example, Food.
Asset dynamic local asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Save groceries coupons.
Asset dynamic local asset deal idTEXTRequired. Deal ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Asset dynamic local asset deal nameTEXTRequired. Deal name, for example, 50% off at Mountain View Grocers. Required.
Asset dynamic local asset descriptionTEXTDescription, for example, Save on your weekly bill.
Asset dynamic local asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00.
Asset dynamic local asset formatted sale priceTEXTFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00.
Asset dynamic local asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Asset dynamic local asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Asset dynamic local asset priceTEXTPrice which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD.
Asset dynamic local asset sale priceTEXTSale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field.
Asset dynamic local asset similar deal idsTEXTSimilar deal IDs, for example, 1275.
Asset dynamic local asset subtitleTEXTSubtitle, for example, Groceries.
Asset dynamic real estate asset addressTEXTAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Asset dynamic real estate asset city nameCITYCity name, for example, Mountain View, California.
Asset dynamic real estate asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, For sale; Houses for sale.
Asset dynamic real estate asset descriptionTEXTDescription, for example, 3 beds, 2 baths, 1568 sq. ft.
Asset dynamic real estate asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $200,000.00.
Asset dynamic real estate asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Asset dynamic real estate asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Asset dynamic real estate asset listing idTEXTRequired. Listing ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Asset dynamic real estate asset listing nameTEXTRequired. Listing name, for example, Boulevard Bungalow. Required.
Asset dynamic real estate asset listing typeTEXTListing type, for example, For sale.
Asset dynamic real estate asset priceTEXTPrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 200,000.00 USD.
Asset dynamic real estate asset property typeTEXTProperty type, for example, House.
Asset dynamic real estate asset similar listing idsTEXTSimilar listing IDs.
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Asset dynamic travel asset categoryTEXTCategory, for example, Express.
Asset dynamic travel asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Paris trains.
Asset dynamic travel asset destination addressTEXTDestination address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403.
Asset dynamic travel asset destination idTEXTRequired. Destination ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Asset dynamic travel asset destination nameTEXTDestination name, for example, Paris.
Asset dynamic travel asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00.
Asset dynamic travel asset formatted sale priceTEXTFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00.
Asset dynamic travel asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Asset dynamic travel asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Asset dynamic travel asset origin idTEXTOrigin ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits. The ID sequence (destination ID + origin ID) must be unique.
Asset dynamic travel asset origin nameTEXTOrigin name, for example, London.
Asset dynamic travel asset priceTEXTPrice which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD.
Asset dynamic travel asset sale priceTEXTSale price which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field.
Asset dynamic travel asset similar destination idsTEXTSimilar destination IDs, for example, NYC.
Asset dynamic travel asset titleTEXTRequired. Title, for example, Book your train ticket. Required.
Asset field type policy summariesTEXTPolicy information for the asset for each FieldType.
Asset final mobile urlsTEXTA list of possible final mobile URLs after all cross domain redirects.
Asset final url suffixTEXTURL template for appending params to landing page URLs served with parallel tracking.
Asset final urlsTEXTA list of possible final URLs after all cross domain redirects.
Asset groupTEXTThe asset group that this audience is scoped under. Must be set if and only if scope is ASSET_GROUP. Immutable after creation. If an audience with ASSET_GROUP scope is upgraded to CUSTOMER scope, this field will automatically be cleared.
Asset group ad strengthTEXTOverall ad strength of this asset group.
Asset group campaignTEXTThe campaign with which this asset group is associated. The asset which is linked to the asset group.
Asset group final mobile urlsTEXTA list of final mobile URLs after all cross domain redirects. In performance max, by default, the urls are eligible for expansion unless opted out.
Asset group final urlsTEXTA list of final URLs after all cross domain redirects. In performance max, by default, the urls are eligible for expansion unless opted out.
Asset group idTEXTThe ID of the asset group.
Asset group nameTEXTRequired. Name of the asset group. Required. It must have a minimum length of 1 and maximum length of 128. It must be unique under a campaign.
Asset group path1TEXTFirst part of text that may appear appended to the url displayed in the ad.
Asset group path2TEXTSecond part of text that may appear appended to the url displayed in the ad. This field can only be set when path1 is set.
Asset group primary statusTEXTThe primary status of the asset group. Provides insights into why an asset group is not serving or not serving optimally.
Asset group primary status reasonsTEXTProvides reasons into why an asset group is not serving or not serving optimally. It will be empty when the asset group is serving without issues.
Asset group resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the asset group. Asset group resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/assetGroups/{asset_group_id}
Asset group statusTEXTThe status of the asset group.
Asset hotel callout asset language codeTEXTRequired. The language of the hotel callout. Represented as BCP 47 language tag.
Asset hotel callout asset textTEXTRequired. The text of the hotel callout asset. The length of this string should be between 1 and 25, inclusive.
Asset hotel property asset hotel addressTEXTAddress of the hotel. Read-only.
Asset hotel property asset hotel nameTEXTName of the hotel. Read-only.
Asset hotel property asset place idTEXTPlace IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. See to learn more.
Asset idTEXTThe ID of the asset.
Asset image asset file sizeNUMERICFile size of the image asset in bytes.
Asset image asset full size height pixelsNUMERICHeight of the image.
Asset image asset full size urlIMAGE_URLA URL that returns the image with this height and width.
Asset image asset full size width pixelsNUMERICWidth of the image.
Asset image asset mime typeTEXTMIME type of the image asset.
Asset interaction target assetTEXTThe asset resource name.
Asset interaction target interaction on this assetBOOLEANOnly used with CustomerAsset, CampaignAsset and AdGroupAsset metrics. Indicates whether the interaction metrics occurred on the asset itself or a different asset or ad unit.
Asset lead form asset background image assetTEXTAsset resource name of the background image. The image dimensions must be exactly 1200x628.
Asset lead form asset business nameTEXTRequired. The name of the business being advertised.
Asset lead form asset call to action descriptionTEXTRequired. Text giving a clear value proposition of what users expect once they expand the form.
Asset lead form asset call to action typeTEXTRequired. Pre-defined display text that encourages user to expand the form.
Asset lead form asset custom disclosureTEXTCustom disclosure shown along with Google disclaimer on the lead form. Accessible to allowed customers only.
Asset lead form asset custom question fieldsTEXTOrdered list of custom question fields. This field is subject to a limit of 5 qualifying questions per form.
Asset lead form asset delivery methodsTEXTConfigured methods for collected lead data to be delivered to advertiser. Only one method typed as WebhookDelivery can be configured.
Asset lead form asset descriptionTEXTRequired. Detailed description of the expanded form to describe what the form is asking for or facilitating.
Asset lead form asset desired intentTEXTChosen intent for the lead form, for example, more volume or more qualified.
Asset lead form asset fieldsTEXTOrdered list of input fields. This field can be updated by reordering questions, but not by adding or removing questions.
Asset lead form asset headlineTEXTRequired. Headline of the expanded form to describe what the form is asking for or facilitating.
Asset lead form asset post submit call to action typeTEXTPre-defined display text that encourages user action after the form is submitted.
Asset lead form asset post submit descriptionTEXTDetailed description shown after form submission that describes how the advertiser will follow up with the user.
Asset lead form asset post submit headlineTEXTHeadline of text shown after form submission that describes how the advertiser will follow up with the user.
Asset lead form asset privacy policy urlTEXTRequired. Link to a page describing the policy on how the collected data is handled by the advertiser/business.
Asset location asset business profile locationsTEXTThe list of business locations for the customer. This will only be returned if the Location Asset is syncing from the Business Profile account. It is possible to have multiple Business Profile listings under the same account that point to the same Place ID.
Asset location asset location ownership typeTEXTThe type of location ownership. If the type is BUSINESS_OWNER, it will be served as a location extension. If the type is AFFILIATE, it will be served as an affiliate location.
Asset location asset place idTEXTPlace IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. This field is unique for a given customer ID and asset type. See to learn more about Place ID.
Asset mobile app asset app idTEXTRequired. A string that uniquely identifies a mobile application. It should just contain the platform native id, like "" for Android or "12345689" for iOS.
Asset mobile app asset app storeTEXTRequired. The application store that distributes this specific app.
Asset mobile app asset end dateDATELast date of when this asset is effective and still serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
TEXTRequired. The visible text displayed when the link is rendered in an ad. The length of this string should be between 1 and 25, inclusive.
Asset mobile app asset start dateDATEStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Asset nameTEXTOptional name of the asset.
Asset page feed asset labelsTEXTLabels used to group the page urls.
Asset page feed asset page urlTEXTRequired. The webpage that advertisers want to target.
Asset policy summary approval statusTEXTThe overall approval status of this asset, calculated based on the status of its individual policy topic entries.
Asset policy summary policy topic entriesTEXTThe list of policy findings for this asset.
Asset policy summary review statusTEXTWhere in the review process this asset is.
Asset price asset language codeTEXTRequired. The language of the price asset. Represented as BCP 47 language tag.
Asset price asset price offeringsTEXTThe price offerings of the price asset. The size of this collection should be between 3 and 8, inclusive.
Asset price asset price qualifierTEXTThe price qualifier of the price asset.
Asset price asset typeTEXTRequired. The type of the price asset.
Asset promotion asset ad schedule targetsTEXTList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve. There can be a maximum of 6 schedules per day, 42 in total.
Asset promotion asset discount modifierTEXTA modifier for qualification of the discount.
Asset promotion asset end dateDATELast date of when this asset is effective and still serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Asset promotion asset language codeTEXTThe language of the promotion. Represented as BCP 47 language tag.
Asset promotion asset money amount off amount microsNUMERICAmount in micros. One million is equivalent to one unit.
Asset promotion asset money amount off currency codeTEXTThree-character ISO 4217 currency code.
Asset promotion asset occasionTEXTThe occasion the promotion was intended for. If an occasion is set, the redemption window will need to fall within the date range associated with the occasion.
Asset promotion asset orders over amount amount microsNUMERICAmount in micros. One million is equivalent to one unit.
Asset promotion asset orders over amount currency codeTEXTThree-character ISO 4217 currency code.
Asset promotion asset percent offNUMERICPercentage off discount in the promotion. 1,000,000 = 100%. Either this or money_amount_off is required.
Asset promotion asset promotion codeTEXTA code the user should use in order to be eligible for the promotion.
Asset promotion asset promotion targetTEXTRequired. A freeform description of what the promotion is targeting.
Asset promotion asset redemption end dateDATELast date of when the promotion is eligible to be redeemed, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Asset promotion asset redemption start dateDATEStart date of when the promotion is eligible to be redeemed, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Asset promotion asset start dateDATEStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Asset resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the asset. Asset resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/assets/{asset_id}
TEXTList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve. There can be a maximum of 6 schedules per day, 42 in total.
TEXTFirst line of the description for the sitelink. If set, the length should be between 1 and 35, inclusive, and description2 must also be set.
TEXTSecond line of the description for the sitelink. If set, the length should be between 1 and 35, inclusive, and description1 must also be set.
DATELast date of when this asset is effective and still serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
TEXTRequired. URL display text for the sitelink. The length of this string should be between 1 and 25, inclusive.
DATEStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Asset sourceTEXTSource of the asset.
Asset structured snippet asset headerTEXTRequired. The header of the snippet. This string should be one of the predefined values at
Asset structured snippet asset valuesTEXTRequired. The values in the snippet. The size of this collection should be between 3 and 10, inclusive. The length of each value should be between 1 and 25 characters, inclusive.
Asset text asset textTEXTText content of the text asset.
Asset tracking url templateTEXTURL template for constructing a tracking URL.
Asset typeTEXTType of the asset.
Asset url custom parametersTEXTA list of mappings to be used for substituting URL custom parameter tags in the tracking_url_template, final_urls, and/or final_mobile_urls.
Asset youtube video asset youtube video idTEXTYouTube video id. This is the 11 character string value used in the YouTube video URL.
Asset youtube video asset youtube video titleTEXTYouTube video title.
Auction insight domainTEXTDomain (visible URL) of a participant in the Auction Insights report.
NUMERICThis metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often the ads of another participant showed in the most prominent position on the search results page. This percentage is computed only over the auctions that you appeared in the page. This metric is not publicly available.
NUMERICThis metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells the percentage of impressions that another participant obtained, over the total number of impressions that your ads were eligible for. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999. This metric is not publicly available.
NUMERICThis metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells the percentage of impressions that your ads outranked (showed above) another participant in the auction, compared to the total number of impressions that your ads were eligible for. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999. This metric is not publicly available.
NUMERICThis metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often another participant's ad received an impression when your ad also received an impression. This metric is not publicly available.
NUMERICThis metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often another participant's ad was shown in a higher position than yours, when both of your ads were shown at the same page. This metric is not publicly available.
NUMERICThis metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often the ads of another participant showed adjacent to the top organic search results. This percentage is computed only over the auctions that you appeared in the page. This metric is not publicly available.
Audience asset groupTEXTThe asset group that this audience is scoped under. Must be set if and only if scope is ASSET_GROUP. Immutable after creation. If an audience with ASSET_GROUP scope is upgraded to CUSTOMER scope, this field will automatically be cleared.
Audience audienceTEXTThe Audience resource name.
Audience descriptionTEXTDescription of this audience.
Audience dimensionsTEXTPositive dimensions specifying the audience composition.
Audience dimensions audience segments segments custom audience custom audienceTEXTThe custom audience resource.
Audience dimensions audience segments segments detailed demographic detailed demographicTEXTThe detailed demographic resource.
Audience dimensions audience segments segments life event life eventTEXTThe life event resource.
Audience dimensions audience segments segments user interest user interest categoryTEXTThe user interest resource.
Audience dimensions audience segments segments user list user listTEXTThe user list resource.
Audience exclusion dimensionTEXTNegative dimension specifying the audience composition.
Audience exclusion dimension exclusions user list user listTEXTThe user list resource.
Audience idTEXTID of the audience.
Audience nameTEXTName of the audience. It should be unique across all audiences within the account. It must have a minimum length of 1 and maximum length of 255. Required when scope is not set or is set to CUSTOMER. Cannot be set or updated when scope is ASSET_GROUP.
Audience resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the audience. Audience names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/audiences/{audience_id}
Audience scopeTEXTDefines the scope this audience can be used in. By default, the scope is CUSTOMER. Audiences can be created with a scope of ASSET_GROUP for exclusive use by a single asset_group. Scope may change from ASSET_GROUP to CUSTOMER but not from CUSTOMER to ASSET_GROUP.
Audience setting use audience groupedBOOLEANIf true, this campaign uses an Audience resource for audience targeting. If false, this campaign may use audience segment criteria instead.
Audience statusTEXTStatus of this audience. Indicates whether the audience is enabled or removed.
Auto tagging enabledBOOLEANWhether auto-tagging is enabled for the customer.
AvailabilitiesTEXTAvailability information of the user interest.
Average cart sizeNUMERICAverage cart size is the average number of products in each order attributed to your ads. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. Average cart size is the total number of products sold divided by the total number of orders you received. Example: You received 2 orders, the first included 3 products and the second included 2. The average cart size is 2.5 products = (3+2)/2. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Average costNUMERICThe average amount you pay per interaction. This amount is the total cost of your ads divided by the total number of interactions.
Average cpcNUMERICThe total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks received.
Average cpeNUMERICThe average amount that you've been charged for an ad engagement. This amount is the total cost of all ad engagements divided by the total number of ad engagements.
Average cpmNUMERICAverage cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM).
Average cpvNUMERICThe average amount you pay each time someone views your ad. The average CPV is defined by the total cost of all ad views divided by the number of views.
Average impression frequency per userNUMERICThe average number of times a unique user saw your ad during the requested time period. This metric cannot be aggregated, and can only be requested for date ranges of 92 days or less. This metric is available for following campaign types - Display, Video, Discovery and App.
Average order value microsNUMERICAverage order value is the average revenue you made per order attributed to your ads. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. Average order value is the total revenue from your orders divided by the total number of orders. Example: You received 3 orders which made $10, $15 and $20 worth of revenue. The average order value is $15 = ($10 + $15 + $20)/3. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Average page viewsNUMERICAverage number of pages viewed per session.
Average pageviewsNUMERICAverage number of pages viewed per session.
Average target cpa microsNUMERICThe average Target CPA, or unset if not available (for example, for campaigns that had traffic from portfolio bidding strategies or non-tCPA).
Average target roasNUMERICThe average Target ROAS, or unset if not available (for example, for campaigns that had traffic from portfolio bidding strategies or non-tROAS).
Average time on siteNUMERICTotal duration of all sessions (in seconds) / number of sessions. Imported from Google Analytics.
Base ad groupTEXTFor draft or experiment ad groups, this field is the resource name of the base ad group from which this ad group was created. If a draft or experiment ad group does not have a base ad group, then this field is null. For base ad groups, this field equals the ad group resource name. This field is read-only.
Base ad group idTEXTFor draft or experiment ad groups, this field is the resource name of the base ad group from which this ad group was created. If a draft or experiment ad group does not have a base ad group, then this field is null. For base ad groups, this field equals the ad group resource name. This field is read-only.
Base campaignTEXTThe resource name of the base campaign of a draft or experiment campaign. For base campaigns, this is equal to resource_name. This field is read-only.
Base campaign idTEXTThe resource name of the base campaign of a draft or experiment campaign. For base campaigns, this is equal to resource_name. This field is read-only.
Basic user list actionsTEXTActions associated with this user list.
Benchmark average max cpcNUMERICAn indication of how other advertisers are bidding on similar products.
Bid modifierNUMERICThe modifier for the bid when the criterion matches. The modifier must be in the range: 0.1 - 10.0. Most targetable criteria types support modifiers.
Biddable app install conversionsNUMERICNumber of app installs.
Biddable app post install conversionsNUMERICNumber of in-app actions.
Bidding strategyTEXTPortfolio bidding strategy used by campaign.
Bidding strategy aligned campaign budget idNUMERICID of the campaign budget that this portfolio bidding strategy is aligned with. When a portfolio and a campaign budget are aligned, that means that they are attached to the same set of campaigns. After a bidding strategy is aligned with a campaign budget, campaigns that are added to the bidding strategy must also use the aligned campaign budget.
Bidding strategy campaign countNUMERICThe number of campaigns attached to this bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
Bidding strategy currency codeTEXTThe currency used by the bidding strategy (ISO 4217 three-letter code). For bidding strategies in manager customers, this currency can be set on creation and defaults to the manager customer's currency. For serving customers, this field cannot be set; all strategies in a serving customer implicitly use the serving customer's currency. In all cases the effective_currency_code field returns the currency used by the strategy.
Bidding strategy effective currency codeTEXTThe currency used by the bidding strategy (ISO 4217 three-letter code). For bidding strategies in manager customers, this is the currency set by the advertiser when creating the strategy. For serving customers, this is the customer's currency_code. Bidding strategy metrics are reported in this currency. This field is read-only.
Bidding strategy enhanced cpcTEXTA bidding strategy that raises bids for clicks that seem more likely to lead to a conversion and lowers them for clicks where they seem less likely.
Bidding strategy idTEXTPortfolio bidding strategy used by campaign.
Bidding strategy maximize conversion value cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Bidding strategy maximize conversion value cpc bid floor microsNUMERICMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Bidding strategy maximize conversion value target roasNUMERICThe target return on ad spend (ROAS) option. If set, the bid strategy will maximize revenue while averaging the target return on ad spend. If the target ROAS is high, the bid strategy may not be able to spend the full budget. If the target ROAS is not set, the bid strategy will aim to achieve the highest possible ROAS for the budget.
Bidding strategy maximize conversions cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Bidding strategy maximize conversions cpc bid floor microsNUMERICMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Bidding strategy maximize conversions target cpa microsNUMERICThe target cost per acquisition (CPA) option. This is the average amount that you would like to spend per acquisition.
Bidding strategy nameTEXTThe name of the bidding strategy. All bidding strategies within an account must be named distinctly. The length of this string should be between 1 and 255, inclusive, in UTF-8 bytes, (trimmed).
Bidding strategy non removed campaign countNUMERICThe number of non-removed campaigns attached to this bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
Bidding strategy resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the bidding strategy. Bidding strategy resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/biddingStrategies/{bidding_strategy_id}
Bidding strategy sourceTEXTThe type of bidding strategy. A bidding strategy can be created by setting either the bidding scheme to create a standard bidding strategy or the bidding_strategy field to create a portfolio bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
Bidding strategy statusTEXTThe status of the bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
Bidding strategy system statusTEXTThe system status of the campaign's bidding strategy.
Bidding strategy target cpa cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Bidding strategy target cpa cpc bid floor microsNUMERICMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Bidding strategy target cpa target cpa microsNUMERICAverage CPA target. This target should be greater than or equal to minimum billable unit based on the currency for the account.
Bidding strategy target impression share cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICThe highest CPC bid the automated bidding system is permitted to specify. This is a required field entered by the advertiser that sets the ceiling and specified in local micros.
Bidding strategy target impression share locationTEXTThe targeted location on the search results page.
Bidding strategy target impression share location fraction microsNUMERICThe chosen fraction of ads to be shown in the targeted location in micros. For example, 1% equals 10,000.
Bidding strategy target roas cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Bidding strategy target roas cpc bid floor microsNUMERICMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Bidding strategy target roas target roasNUMERICThe chosen revenue (based on conversion data) per unit of spend.
Bidding strategy target spend cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy.
Bidding strategy target spend target spend microsNUMERICThe spend target under which to maximize clicks. A TargetSpend bidder will attempt to spend the smaller of this value or the natural throttling spend amount. If not specified, the budget is used as the spend target. This field is deprecated and should no longer be used. See for details.
Bidding strategy typeTEXTThe type of bidding strategy. A bidding strategy can be created by setting either the bidding scheme to create a standard bidding strategy or the bidding_strategy field to create a portfolio bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
Book on google assetTEXTA book on google asset.
Bounce rateNUMERICPercentage of clicks where the user only visited a single page on your site. Imported from Google Analytics.
BrandTEXTBrand of the product.
Brand list shared setTEXTShared set resource name of the brand list.
Budget amountNUMERICThe amount of the budget for the selected date range, in the local currency for the account.
Budget campaign association status campaignTEXTThe campaign resource name.
Budget campaign association status statusTEXTBudget campaign association status.
Budget idTEXTThe budget of the campaign.
Call asset ad schedule targetsTEXTList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve. There can be a maximum of 6 schedules per day, 42 in total.
Call asset call conversion actionTEXTThe conversion action to attribute a call conversion to. If not set, the default conversion action is used. This field only has effect if call_conversion_reporting_state is set to USE_RESOURCE_LEVEL_CALL_CONVERSION_ACTION.
Call asset call conversion reporting stateTEXTIndicates whether this CallAsset should use its own call conversion setting, follow the account level setting, or disable call conversion.
Call asset country codeTEXTRequired. Two-letter country code of the phone number. Examples: 'US', 'us'.
Call asset phone numberTEXTRequired. The advertiser's raw phone number. Examples: '1234567890', '(123)456-7890'
Call reporting setting call conversion actionTEXTCustomer-level call conversion action to attribute a call conversion to. If not set a default conversion action is used. Only in effect when call_conversion_reporting_enabled is set to true.
Call reporting setting call conversion reporting enabledBOOLEANWhether to enable call conversion reporting.
Call reporting setting call reporting enabledBOOLEANEnable reporting of phone call events by redirecting them through Google System.
Call to action asset call to actionTEXTCall to action.
Callout asset ad schedule targetsTEXTList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve. There can be a maximum of 6 schedules per day, 42 in total.
Callout asset callout textTEXTRequired. The callout text. The length of this string should be between 1 and 25, inclusive.
Callout asset end dateDATELast date of when this asset is effective and still serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Callout asset start dateDATEStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
CampaignTEXTThe name of the campaign. This field is required and should not be empty when creating new campaigns. It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
Campaign accessible bidding strategyTEXTResource name of AccessibleBiddingStrategy, a read-only view of the unrestricted attributes of the attached portfolio bidding strategy identified by 'bidding_strategy'. Empty, if the campaign does not use a portfolio strategy. Unrestricted strategy attributes are available to all customers with whom the strategy is shared and are read from the AccessibleBiddingStrategy resource. In contrast, restricted attributes are only available to the owner customer of the strategy and their managers. Restricted attributes can only be read from the BiddingStrategy resource.
Campaign ad serving optimization statusTEXTThe ad serving optimization status of the campaign.
Campaign app campaign setting app idTEXTA string that uniquely identifies a mobile application.
Campaign app campaign setting app storeTEXTThe application store that distributes this specific app.
Campaign app campaign setting bidding strategy goal typeTEXTRepresents the goal which the bidding strategy of this app campaign should optimize towards.
Campaign asset automation settingsTEXTContains the opt-in/out status of each AssetAutomationType. See documentation of each asset automation type enum for default opt in/out behavior.
Campaign audience setting use audience groupedBOOLEANIf true, this campaign uses an Audience resource for audience targeting. If false, this campaign may use audience segment criteria instead.
Campaign audience view resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the campaign audience view. Campaign audience view resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/campaignAudienceViews/{campaign_id}~{criterion_id}
Campaign bidding strategy system statusTEXTThe system status of the campaign's bidding strategy.
Campaign budgetNUMERICThe budget of the campaign.
Campaign budget aligned bidding strategy idNUMERICID of the portfolio bidding strategy that this shared campaign budget is aligned with. When a bidding strategy and a campaign budget are aligned, they are attached to the same set of campaigns. After a campaign budget is aligned with a bidding strategy, campaigns that are added to the campaign budget must also use the aligned bidding strategy.
Campaign budget delivery methodTEXTThe delivery method that determines the rate at which the campaign budget is spent. Defaults to STANDARD if unspecified in a create operation.
Campaign budget idTEXTThe ID of the campaign budget. A campaign budget is created using the CampaignBudgetService create operation and is assigned a budget ID. A budget ID can be shared across different campaigns; the system will then allocate the campaign budget among different campaigns to get optimum results.
Campaign budget nameTEXTThe name of the campaign budget. When creating a campaign budget through CampaignBudgetService, every explicitly shared campaign budget must have a non-null, non-empty name. Campaign budgets that are not explicitly shared derive their name from the attached campaign's name. The length of this string must be between 1 and 255, inclusive, in UTF-8 bytes, (trimmed).
NUMERICThe estimated change in weekly clicks if the recommended budget is applied. This field is read-only.
NUMERICThe estimated change in weekly cost in micros if the recommended budget is applied. One million is equivalent to one currency unit. This field is read-only.
NUMERICThe estimated change in weekly interactions if the recommended budget is applied. This field is read-only.
NUMERICThe estimated change in weekly views if the recommended budget is applied. This field is read-only.
Campaign budget reference countNUMERICThe number of campaigns actively using the budget. This field is read-only.
Campaign budget resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the campaign budget. Campaign budget resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/campaignBudgets/{campaign_budget_id}
Campaign budget statusTEXTThe status of this campaign budget. This field is read-only.
Campaign budget typeTEXTThe type of the campaign budget.
Campaign campaign groupTEXTThe campaign group this campaign belongs to.
Campaign commission commission rate microsNUMERICCommission rate defines the portion of the conversion value that the advertiser will be billed. A commission rate of x should be passed into this field as (x * 1,000,000). For example, 106,000 represents a commission rate of 0.106 (10.6%).
Campaign countNUMERICThe number of campaigns attached to this bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
Campaign criterion ad schedule day of weekTEXTDay of the week the schedule applies to. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Campaign criterion ad schedule end hourNUMERICEnding hour in 24 hour time; 24 signifies end of the day. This field must be between 0 and 24, inclusive. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Campaign criterion ad schedule end minuteTEXTMinutes after the end hour at which this schedule ends. The schedule is exclusive of the end minute. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Campaign criterion ad schedule start hourNUMERICStarting hour in 24 hour time. This field must be between 0 and 23, inclusive. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Campaign criterion ad schedule start minuteTEXTMinutes after the start hour at which this schedule starts. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Campaign criterion age range typeTEXTType of the age range.
Campaign criterion bid modifierNUMERICThe modifier for the bids when the criterion matches. The modifier must be in the range: 0.1 - 10.0. Most targetable criteria types support modifiers. Use 0 to opt out of a Device type.
Campaign criterion brand list shared setTEXTShared set resource name of the brand list.
Campaign criterion campaignTEXTThe campaign to which the criterion belongs.
Campaign criterion carrier carrier constantTEXTThe Carrier constant resource name.
Campaign criterion combined audience combined audienceTEXTThe CombinedAudience resource name.
Campaign criterion content label typeTEXTContent label type, required for CREATE operations.
Campaign criterion custom affinity custom affinityTEXTThe CustomInterest resource name.
Campaign criterion custom audience custom audienceTEXTThe CustomAudience resource name.
Campaign criterion device typeTEXTType of the device.
Campaign criterion display nameTEXTThe display name of the criterion. This field is ignored for mutates.
Campaign criterion gender typeTEXTType of the gender.
Campaign criterion income range typeTEXTType of the income range.
Campaign criterion ip block ip addressTEXTThe IP address of this IP block.
Campaign criterion keyword match typeTEXTThe match type of the keyword.
Campaign criterion keyword theme free form keyword themeTEXTFree-form text to be matched to a Smart Campaign keyword theme constant on a best-effort basis.
Campaign criterion keyword theme keyword theme constantTEXTThe resource name of a Smart Campaign keyword theme constant. keywordThemeConstants/{keyword_theme_id}~{sub_keyword_theme_id}
Campaign criterion language language constantTEXTThe language constant resource name.
Campaign criterion listing scope dimensionsTEXTScope of the campaign criterion.
Campaign criterion listing scope dimensions activity country valueCOUNTRYString value of the activity country. The Geo Target Constant resource name.
Campaign criterion listing scope dimensions hotel city city criterionCITYThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Campaign criterion listing scope dimensions hotel country region country region criterionREGIONThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Campaign criterion listing scope dimensions hotel state state criterionTEXTThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Campaign criterion local service id service idTEXTThe criterion resource name.
Campaign criterion location geo target constantTEXTThe geo target constant resource name.
Campaign criterion location groupTEXTLocation Group
Campaign criterion location group enable customer level location asset setBOOLEANDenotes that the latest customer level asset set is used for targeting. Used with radius and radius_units. Cannot be used with feed, geo target constants or feed item sets. When using asset sets, either this field or location_group_asset_sets should be specified. Both cannot be used at the same time. This can only be set in CREATE operations.
Campaign criterion location group feedTEXTFeed specifying locations for targeting. Cannot be set with AssetSet fields. This is required and must be set in CREATE operations.
Campaign criterion location group geo target constantsTEXTGeo target constant(s) restricting the scope of the geographic area within the feed. Currently only one geo target constant is allowed. Cannot be set with AssetSet fields.
Campaign criterion mobile app category mobile app category constantTEXTThe mobile app category constant resource name.
Campaign criterion mobile application app idTEXTA string that uniquely identifies a mobile application to Google Ads API. The format of this string is "{platform}-{platform_native_id}", where platform is "1" for iOS apps and "2" for Android apps, and where platform_native_id is the mobile application identifier native to the corresponding platform. For iOS, this native identifier is the 9 digit string that appears at the end of an App Store URL (for example, "476943146" for "Flood-It! 2" whose App Store link is "!-2/id476943146"). For Android, this native identifier is the application's package name (for example, "com.labpixies.colordrips" for "Color Drips" given Google Play link ""). A well formed app id for Google Ads API would thus be "1-476943146" for iOS and "2-com.labpixies.colordrips" for Android. This field is required and must be set in CREATE operations.
Campaign criterion mobile application nameTEXTName of this mobile application.
Campaign criterion mobile device mobile device constantTEXTThe mobile device constant resource name.
Campaign criterion operating system version operating system version constantTEXTThe operating system version constant resource name.
Campaign criterion parental status typeTEXTType of the parental status.
Campaign criterion placement urlTEXTURL of the placement. For example, "".
Campaign criterion proximity address city nameCITYName of the city.
Campaign criterion proximity address country codeCOUNTRYCountry code.
Campaign criterion proximity address postal codeTEXTPostal code.
Campaign criterion proximity address province codeTEXTProvince or state code.
Campaign criterion proximity address province nameTEXTProvince or state name.
Campaign criterion proximity address street addressTEXTStreet address line 1.
Campaign criterion proximity geo point latitude in micro degreesNUMERICMicro degrees for the latitude.
Campaign criterion proximity geo point longitude in micro degreesNUMERICMicro degrees for the longitude.
Campaign criterion proximity radiusNUMERICThe radius of the proximity.
Campaign criterion proximity radius unitsTEXTThe unit of measurement of the radius. Default is KILOMETERS.
Campaign criterion resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the campaign criterion. Campaign criterion resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/campaignCriteria/{campaign_id}~{criterion_id}
Campaign criterion statusTEXTThe status of the criterion.
Campaign criterion topic pathTEXTThe category to target or exclude. Each subsequent element in the array describes a more specific sub-category. For example, "Pets & Animals", "Pets", "Dogs" represents the "Pets & Animals/Pets/Dogs" category.
Campaign criterion topic topic constantTEXTThe Topic Constant resource name.
Campaign criterion user interest user interest categoryTEXTThe UserInterest resource name.
Campaign criterion user list user listTEXTThe User List resource name.
Campaign criterion webpage conditionsTEXTConditions, or logical expressions, for webpage targeting. The list of webpage targeting conditions are and-ed together when evaluated for targeting. An empty list of conditions indicates all pages of the campaign's website are targeted. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Campaign criterion webpage coverage percentageNUMERICWebsite criteria coverage percentage. This is the computed percentage of website coverage based on the website target, negative website target and negative keywords in the ad group and campaign. For instance, when coverage returns as 1, it indicates it has 100% coverage. This field is read-only.
Campaign criterion webpage criterion nameTEXTThe name of the criterion that is defined by this parameter. The name value will be used for identifying, sorting and filtering criteria with this type of parameters. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Campaign criterion webpage sample sample urlsTEXTWebpage sample urls
Campaign criterion youtube channel channel idTEXTThe YouTube uploader channel id or the channel code of a YouTube channel.
Campaign criterion youtube video video idTEXTYouTube video id as it appears on the YouTube watch page.
Campaign discovery campaign settings upgraded targetingBOOLEANSpecifies whether this campaign uses upgraded targeting options. When this field is set to true, you can use location and language targeting at the ad group level as opposed to the standard campaign-level targeting. This field defaults to false, and can only be set when creating a campaign.
TEXTRequired. The Internet domain name that this setting represents, for example, "" or "".
TEXTThe list of page feeds associated with the campaign.
TEXTRequired. The language code specifying the language of the domain, for example, "en".
BOOLEANWhether the campaign uses advertiser supplied URLs exclusively.
Campaign excluded parent asset field typesTEXTThe asset field types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset links with these field types will not be inherited by this campaign from the upper level.
Campaign excluded parent asset set typesTEXTThe asset set types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset set links with these types will not be inherited by this campaign from the upper level. Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP, CHAIN_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP, and STATIC_LOCATION_GROUP) are child types of LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this campaign, and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE) will not be served under this campaign. Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
Campaign frequency capsTEXTA list that limits how often each user will see this campaign's ads.
Campaign geo target type setting negative geo target typeTEXTThe setting used for negative geotargeting in this particular campaign.
Campaign geo target type setting positive geo target typeTEXTThe setting used for positive geotargeting in this particular campaign.
Campaign groupTEXTThe campaign group this campaign belongs to.
Campaign hotel property asset setTEXTThe set of hotel properties for Performance Max for travel goals campaigns.
Campaign hotel setting hotel center idNUMERICThe linked Hotel Center account.
Campaign idTEXTThe ID of the campaign.
Campaign labelsTEXTThe resource names of labels attached to this campaign.
Campaign listing typeTEXTListing type of ads served for this campaign. Field is restricted for usage with Performance Max campaigns.
Campaign local campaign setting location source typeTEXTThe location source type for this local campaign.
Campaign local services campaign settings category bidsTEXTCategorical level bids associated with MANUAL_CPA bidding strategy.
Campaign manual cpaTEXTStandard Manual CPA bidding strategy. Manual bidding strategy that allows advertiser to set the bid per advertiser-specified action. Supported only for Local Services campaigns.
Campaign manual cpc enhanced cpc enabledBOOLEANWhether bids are to be enhanced based on conversion optimizer data.
Campaign manual cpmTEXTStandard Manual CPM bidding strategy. Manual impression-based bidding where user pays per thousand impressions.
Campaign manual cpvTEXTA bidding strategy that pays a configurable amount per video view.
Campaign maximize conversions target cpa microsNUMERICThe target cost per acquisition (CPA) option. This is the average amount that you would like to spend per acquisition.
Campaign nameTEXTThe name of the campaign. This field is required and should not be empty when creating new campaigns. It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
Campaign network settings target content networkBOOLEANWhether ads will be served on specified placements in the Google Display Network. Placements are specified using the Placement criterion.
BOOLEANWhether ads will be served with search results.
Campaign network settings target google tv networkBOOLEANWhether ads will be served on the Google TV network.
BOOLEANWhether ads will be served on the Google Partner Network. This is available only to some select Google partner accounts.
BOOLEANWhether ads will be served on partner sites in the Google Search Network (requires target_google_search to also be true).
Campaign network settings target youtubeBOOLEANWhether ads will be served on YouTube.
Campaign optimization goal setting optimization goal typesTEXTThe list of optimization goal types.
Campaign optimization scoreNUMERICOptimization score of the campaign. Optimization score is an estimate of how well a campaign is set to perform. It ranges from 0% (0.0) to 100% (1.0), with 100% indicating that the campaign is performing at full potential. This field is null for unscored campaigns. See "About optimization score" at This field is read-only.
Campaign payment modeTEXTPayment mode for the campaign.
Campaign percent cpc cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. This is an optional field entered by the advertiser and specified in local micros. Note: A zero value is interpreted in the same way as having bid_ceiling undefined.
Campaign percent cpc enhanced cpc enabledBOOLEANAdjusts the bid for each auction upward or downward, depending on the likelihood of a conversion. Individual bids may exceed cpc_bid_ceiling_micros, but the average bid amount for a campaign should not.
Campaign performance max upgrade performance max campaignTEXTIndicates which Performance Max campaign the campaign is upgraded to.
Campaign performance max upgrade pre upgrade campaignTEXTIndicates legacy campaign upgraded to Performance Max.
Campaign performance max upgrade statusTEXTThe upgrade status of a campaign requested to be upgraded to Performance Max.
Campaign primary statusTEXTThe primary status of the campaign. Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving optimally. Modification to the campaign and its related entities might take a while to be reflected in this status.
Campaign primary status reasonsTEXTThe primary status reasons of the campaign. Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall CampaignPrimaryStatus.
Campaign real time bidding setting opt inBOOLEANWhether the campaign is opted in to real-time bidding.
Campaign resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the campaign. Campaign resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/campaigns/{campaign_id}
Campaign selective optimization conversion actionsTEXTThe selected set of conversion actions for optimizing this campaign.
Campaign shopping setting advertising partner idsNUMERICThe ads account IDs of advertising partners cooperating within the campaign.
Campaign shopping setting campaign priorityNUMERICPriority of the campaign. Campaigns with numerically higher priorities take precedence over those with lower priorities. This field is required for Shopping campaigns, with values between 0 and 2, inclusive. This field is optional for Smart Shopping campaigns, but must be equal to 3 if set.
Campaign shopping setting enable localBOOLEANWhether to include local products.
Campaign shopping setting feed labelTEXTFeed label of products to include in the campaign. Only one of feed_label or sales_country can be set. If used instead of sales_country, the feed_label field accepts country codes in the same format for example: 'XX'. Otherwise can be any string used for feed label in Google Merchant Center.
Campaign shopping setting merchant idNUMERICID of the Merchant Center account. This field is required for create operations. This field is immutable for Shopping campaigns.
Campaign shopping setting use vehicle inventoryBOOLEANWhether to target Vehicle Listing inventory. This field is supported only in Smart Shopping Campaigns. For setting Vehicle Listing inventory in Performance Max campaigns, use listing_type instead.
Campaign statusTEXTThe status of the campaign. When a new campaign is added, the status defaults to ENABLED.
Campaign sub typeTEXTOptional refinement to Campaign type. Alias for Advertising channel sub type.
Campaign target cpa cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Campaign target cpa cpc bid floor microsNUMERICMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Campaign target cpa target cpa microsNUMERICAverage CPA target. This target should be greater than or equal to minimum billable unit based on the currency for the account.
Campaign target cpm target frequency goal target countNUMERICTarget Frequency count representing how many times you want to reach a single user.
Campaign target cpm target frequency goal time unitTEXTTime window expressing the period over which you want to reach the specified target_count.
Campaign target impression share cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICThe highest CPC bid the automated bidding system is permitted to specify. This is a required field entered by the advertiser that sets the ceiling and specified in local micros.
Campaign target impression share locationTEXTThe targeted location on the search results page.
Campaign target impression share location fraction microsNUMERICThe chosen fraction of ads to be shown in the targeted location in micros. For example, 1% equals 10,000.
Campaign target roas cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Campaign target roas cpc bid floor microsNUMERICMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Campaign target roas target roasNUMERICThe chosen revenue (based on conversion data) per unit of spend.
Campaign target spend cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy.
Campaign target spend target spend microsNUMERICThe spend target under which to maximize clicks. A TargetSpend bidder will attempt to spend the smaller of this value or the natural throttling spend amount. If not specified, the budget is used as the spend target. This field is deprecated and should no longer be used. See for details.
Campaign targeting setting target restrictionsTEXTThe per-targeting-dimension setting to restrict the reach of your campaign or ad group.
Campaign tracking setting tracking urlTEXTThe url used for dynamic tracking.
Campaign travel campaign settings travel account idNUMERICThe Travel account ID associated with the Travel campaign.
Campaign trial typeTEXTThe type of campaign: normal, draft, or experiment.
Campaign typeTEXTThe primary serving target for ads within the campaign. Alias for Advertising channel type.
Campaign url expansion opt outBOOLEANRepresents opting out of URL expansion to more targeted URLs. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant Center or business data feeds are targeted. If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. This field can only be set for Performance Max campaigns, where the default value is false.
Campaign vanity pharma vanity pharma display url modeTEXTThe display mode for vanity pharma URLs.
Campaign vanity pharma vanity pharma textTEXTThe text that will be displayed in display URL of the text ad when website description is the selected display mode for vanity pharma URLs.
Campaign video brand safety suitabilityTEXT3-Tier Brand Safety setting for the campaign.
Carrier carrier constantTEXTThe Carrier constant resource name.
ChannelTEXTChannel of the product.
Channel exclusivityTEXTChannel exclusivity of the product.
Channel idTEXTThe owner channel id of the video.
Geo target cityCITYGeo target city name.
Click typeTEXTClick type.
ClicksNUMERICThe number of clicks.
Closing reasonTEXTIndicating the reason why this user list membership status is closed. It is only populated on lists that were automatically closed due to inactivity, and will be cleared once the list membership status becomes open.
Combined audience combined audienceTEXTThe CombinedAudience resource name.
Commission commission rate microsNUMERICCommission rate defines the portion of the conversion value that the advertiser will be billed. A commission rate of x should be passed into this field as (x * 1,000,000). For example, 106,000 represents a commission rate of 0.106 (10.6%).
Content bid criterion type groupTEXTAllows advertisers to specify a targeting dimension on which to place absolute bids. This is only applicable for campaigns that target only the display network and not search.
Content budget lost impression shareNUMERICThe estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Display Network but didn't because your budget was too low. Note: Content budget lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
Content impression shareNUMERICThe impressions you've received on the Display Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. Note: Content impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
Content label typeTEXTContent label type, required for CREATE operations.
Content rank lost impression shareNUMERICThe estimated percentage of impressions on the Display Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Content rank lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
Conversion actionTEXTResource name of the conversion action.
Conversion action categoryTEXTConversion action category.
Conversion action nameTEXTConversion action name.
Conversion adjustmentBOOLEANThis segments your conversion columns by the original conversion and conversion value versus the delta if conversions were adjusted. False row has the data as originally stated; While true row has the delta between data now and the data as originally stated. Summing the two together results post-adjustment data.
Conversion adjustment lag bucketTEXTAn enum value representing the number of days between the impression and the conversion or between the impression and adjustments to the conversion.
Conversion attribution event typeTEXTConversion attribution event type.
Conversion category nameTEXTConversion action category.
Conversion lag bucketTEXTAn enum value representing the number of days between the impression and the conversion.
Conversion last conversion dateDATEThe date of the most recent conversion for this conversion action. The date is in the customer's time zone.
Conversion last received request date timeDATEThe last date/time a conversion tag for this conversion action successfully fired and was seen by Google Ads. This firing event may not have been the result of an attributable conversion (for example, because the tag was fired from a browser that did not previously click an ad from an appropriate advertiser). The date/time is in the customer's time zone.
Conversion or adjustment lag bucketTEXTAn enum value representing the number of days between the impression and the conversion or between the impression and adjustments to the conversion.
Conversion ratePERCENTConversions from interactions divided by the number of ad interactions (such as clicks for text ads or views for video ads). This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Conversion tracker idTEXTResource name of the conversion action.
Conversion tracking setting accepted customer data termsBOOLEANWhether the customer has accepted customer data terms. If using cross-account conversion tracking, this value is inherited from the manager. This field is read-only. For more information, see
Conversion tracking setting conversion tracking idNUMERICThe conversion tracking id used for this account. This id doesn't indicate whether the customer uses conversion tracking (conversion_tracking_status does). This field is read-only.
Conversion tracking setting conversion tracking statusTEXTConversion tracking status. It indicates whether the customer is using conversion tracking, and who is the conversion tracking owner of this customer. If this customer is using cross-account conversion tracking, the value returned will differ based on the login-customer-id of the request.
Conversion tracking setting cross account conversion tracking idNUMERICThe conversion tracking id of the customer's manager. This is set when the customer is opted into cross account conversion tracking, and it overrides conversion_tracking_id. This field can only be managed through the Google Ads UI. This field is read-only.
Conversion tracking setting enhanced conversions for leads enabledBOOLEANWhether the customer is opted-in for enhanced conversions for leads. If using cross-account conversion tracking, this value is inherited from the manager. This field is read-only.
Conversion tracking setting google ads conversion customerTEXTThe resource name of the customer where conversions are created and managed. This field is read-only.
Conversion type nameTEXTConversion action name.
Conversion valueNUMERICThe value of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Conversion value rule primary dimensionTEXTPrimary dimension of applied conversion value rules. NO_RULE_APPLIED shows the total recorded value of conversions that do not have a value rule applied. ORIGINAL shows the original value of conversions to which a value rule has been applied. GEO_LOCATION, DEVICE, AUDIENCE show the net adjustment after value rules were applied.
ConversionsNUMERICThe number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Conversions by conversion dateNUMERICThe number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at
Conversions from interactions rateNUMERICConversions from interactions divided by the number of ad interactions (such as clicks for text ads or views for video ads). This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Conversions from interactions value per interactionNUMERICThe value of conversions from interactions divided by the number of ad interactions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Conversions valueNUMERICThe value of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Conversions value by conversion dateNUMERICThe value of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at
Conversions value per costNUMERICThe value of conversions divided by the cost of ad interactions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
CostNUMERICThe sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period.
Cost microsNUMERICThe sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period.
Cost of goods sold microsNUMERICCost of goods sold (COGS) is the total cost of the products you sold in orders attributed to your ads. How it works: You can add a cost of goods sold value to every product in Merchant Center. If you report conversions with cart data, the products you sold are matched with their cost of goods sold value and this can be used to calculate the gross profit you made on each order. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat has a cost of goods sold value of $3, the shirt has a cost of goods sold value of $5. The cost of goods sold for this order is $8 = $3 + $5. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Cost per all conversionNUMERICThe cost of ad interactions divided by all conversions.
Cost per all conversionsNUMERICThe cost of ad interactions divided by all conversions.
Cost per conversionNUMERICThe cost of ad interactions divided by conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Cost per current model attributed conversionNUMERICThe cost of ad interactions divided by current model attributed conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Geo target country codeCOUNTRYGeo target country code.
Country criteria idCOUNTRYResource name of the geo target constant for the country of sale of the product.
Country criterion idCOUNTRYCriterion Id for the country.
Cpc bidNUMERICThe maximum CPC (cost-per-click) bid.
Cpc bid microsNUMERICThe maximum CPC (cost-per-click) bid.
Cpc bid sourceTEXTSource of the effective CPC bid.
Cpm bidNUMERICThe maximum CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid.
Cpm bid microsNUMERICThe maximum CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid.
Cpm bid sourceTEXTSource of the effective CPM bid.
Cpv bidNUMERICThe CPV (cost-per-view) bid.
Cpv bid microsNUMERICThe CPV (cost-per-view) bid.
Creative idTEXTThe ID of the ad.
Creative quality scoreTEXTThe performance of the ad compared to other advertisers.
Creative statusTEXTThe status of the ad.
CriteriaTEXTType of the age range.
Criteria typeTEXTThe type of the criterion.
Criterion idNUMERICThe ID of the criterion. This field is ignored for mutates.
Crm based user list app idTEXTA string that uniquely identifies a mobile application from which the data was collected. For iOS, the ID string is the 9 digit string that appears at the end of an App Store URL (for example, "476943146" for "Flood-It! 2" whose App Store link is!-2/id476943146). For Android, the ID string is the application's package name (for example, "com.labpixies.colordrips" for "Color Drips" given Google Play link Required when creating CrmBasedUserList for uploading mobile advertising IDs.
Crm based user list data source typeTEXTData source of the list. Default value is FIRST_PARTY. Only customers on the allow-list can create third-party sourced CRM lists.
Crm based user list upload key typeTEXTMatching key type of the list. Mixed data types are not allowed on the same list. This field is required for an ADD operation.
Cross device conversionsNUMERICConversions from when a customer clicks on a Google Ads ad on one device, then converts on a different device or browser. Cross-device conversions are already included in all_conversions.
Cross device conversions value microsNUMERICThe sum of the value of cross-device conversions, in micros.
Cross sell cost of goods sold microsNUMERICCross-sell cost of goods sold (COGS) is the total cost of products sold as a result of advertising a different product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell cost of goods sold is the total cost of the products sold that weren't advertised. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat has a cost of goods sold value of $3, the shirt has a cost of goods sold value of $5. The cross-sell cost of goods sold for this order is $5. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Cross sell gross profit microsNUMERICCross-sell gross profit is the profit you made from products sold as a result of advertising a different product, minus cost of goods sold (COGS). How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the purchase is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell gross profit is the revenue you made from cross-sell attributed to your ads minus the cost of the goods sold. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The shirt is priced $20 and has a cost of goods sold value of $5. The cross-sell gross profit of this order is $15 = $20 - $5. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Cross sell revenue microsNUMERICCross-sell revenue is the total amount you made from products sold as a result of advertising a different product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell revenue is the total value you made from cross-sell attributed to your ads. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat is priced $10 and the shirt is priced $20. The cross-sell revenue of this order is $20. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Cross sell units soldNUMERICCross-sell units sold is the total number of products sold as a result of advertising a different product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell units sold is the total number of cross-sold products from all orders attributed to your ads. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat, a shirt and a jacket. The cross-sell units sold in this order is 2. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
CtrPERCENTThe number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions).
CurrencyTEXTThe currency in which the account operates. A subset of the currency codes from the ISO 4217 standard is supported.
Currency codeTEXTThe currency in which the account operates. A subset of the currency codes from the ISO 4217 standard is supported.
Current model attributed conversion valueNUMERICThe value of current model attributed conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Current model attributed conversionsNUMERICShows how your historic conversions data would look under the attribution model you've currently selected. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Current model attributed conversions from interactions rateNUMERICCurrent model attributed conversions from interactions divided by the number of ad interactions (such as clicks for text ads or views for video ads). This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Current model attributed conversions from interactions value per interactionNUMERICThe value of current model attributed conversions from interactions divided by the number of ad interactions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Current model attributed conversions valueNUMERICThe value of current model attributed conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Current model attributed conversions value per costNUMERICThe value of current model attributed conversions divided by the cost of ad interactions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Custom affinity custom affinityTEXTThe CustomInterest resource name.
Custom attribute0TEXTCustom attribute 0 of the product.
Custom attribute1TEXTCustom attribute 1 of the product.
Custom attribute2TEXTCustom attribute 2 of the product.
Custom attribute3TEXTCustom attribute 3 of the product.
Custom attribute4TEXTCustom attribute 4 of the product.
Custom audience custom audienceTEXTThe CustomAudience resource name.
Custom intent custom intentTEXTThe CustomInterest resource name.
Customer agreement setting accepted lead form termsBOOLEANWhether the customer has accepted lead form term of service.
Customer auto tagging enabledBOOLEANWhether auto-tagging is enabled for the customer.
Customer call reporting setting call conversion actionTEXTCustomer-level call conversion action to attribute a call conversion to. If not set a default conversion action is used. Only in effect when call_conversion_reporting_enabled is set to true.
Customer call reporting setting call conversion reporting enabledBOOLEANWhether to enable call conversion reporting.
Customer call reporting setting call reporting enabledBOOLEANEnable reporting of phone call events by redirecting them through Google System.
Customer conversion tracking setting accepted customer data termsBOOLEANWhether the customer has accepted customer data terms. If using cross-account conversion tracking, this value is inherited from the manager. This field is read-only. For more information, see
Customer conversion tracking setting conversion tracking idNUMERICThe conversion tracking id used for this account. This id doesn't indicate whether the customer uses conversion tracking (conversion_tracking_status does). This field is read-only.
Customer conversion tracking setting conversion tracking statusTEXTConversion tracking status. It indicates whether the customer is using conversion tracking, and who is the conversion tracking owner of this customer. If this customer is using cross-account conversion tracking, the value returned will differ based on the login-customer-id of the request.
Customer conversion tracking setting cross account conversion tracking idNUMERICThe conversion tracking id of the customer's manager. This is set when the customer is opted into cross account conversion tracking, and it overrides conversion_tracking_id. This field can only be managed through the Google Ads UI. This field is read-only.
Customer conversion tracking setting enhanced conversions for leads enabledBOOLEANWhether the customer is opted-in for enhanced conversions for leads. If using cross-account conversion tracking, this value is inherited from the manager. This field is read-only.
Customer conversion tracking setting google ads conversion customerTEXTThe resource name of the customer where conversions are created and managed. This field is read-only.
Customer customer agreement setting accepted lead form termsBOOLEANWhether the customer has accepted lead form term of service.
Customer descriptive nameTEXTOptional, non-unique descriptive name of the customer.
Customer final url suffixTEXTThe URL template for appending params to the final URL. Only mutable in an update operation.
Customer has partners badgeBOOLEANWhether the Customer has a Partners program badge. If the Customer is not associated with the Partners program, this will be false. For more information, see
Customer image asset auto migration doneBOOLEANTrue if feed based image has been migrated to asset based image.
Customer image asset auto migration done date timeDATETimestamp of migration from feed based image to asset base image in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
Customer local services settings granular insurance statusesTEXTA read-only list of geo vertical level insurance statuses.
Customer local services settings granular license statusesTEXTA read-only list of geo vertical level license statuses.
Customer location asset auto migration doneBOOLEANTrue if feed based location has been migrated to asset based location.
Customer location asset auto migration done date timeDATETimestamp of migration from feed based location to asset base location in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
Customer managerBOOLEANWhether the customer is a manager.
Customer optimization scoreNUMERICOptimization score of the customer. Optimization score is an estimate of how well a customer's campaigns are set to perform. It ranges from 0% (0.0) to 100% (1.0). This field is null for all manager customers, and for unscored non-manager customers. See "About optimization score" at This field is read-only.
Customer optimization score weightNUMERICOptimization score weight of the customer. Optimization score weight can be used to compare/aggregate optimization scores across multiple non-manager customers. The aggregate optimization score of a manager is computed as the sum over all of their customers of Customer.optimization_score * Customer.optimization_score_weight. This field is 0 for all manager customers, and for unscored non-manager customers. This field is read-only.
Customer pay per conversion eligibility failure reasonsTEXTReasons why the customer is not eligible to use PaymentMode.CONVERSIONS. If the list is empty, the customer is eligible. This field is read-only.
Customer remarketing setting google global site tagTEXTThe Google tag.
Customer resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the customer. Customer resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}
Customer statusTEXTThe status of the customer.
Customer test accountBOOLEANWhether the customer is a test account.
Customer tracking url templateTEXTThe URL template for constructing a tracking URL out of parameters. Only mutable in an update operation.
Data SourceTEXTThe name of the Windsor connector returning the row
DateDATEDate to which metrics apply. yyyy-MM-dd format, for example, 2018-04-17.
Day of monthTEXTDay of the month
Day of weekTEXTDay of the week, for example, MONDAY.
Delivery methodTEXTThe delivery method that determines the rate at which the campaign budget is spent. Defaults to STANDARD if unspecified in a create operation.
DescriptionTEXTDescription of this user list.
Descriptive nameTEXTOptional, non-unique descriptive name of the customer.
Detail placement view display nameTEXTThe display name is URL name for websites, YouTube video name for YouTube videos, and translated mobile app name for mobile apps.
Detail placement view group placement target urlTEXTURL of the group placement, for example, domain, link to the mobile application in app store, or a YouTube channel URL.
Detail placement view placementTEXTThe automatic placement string at detail level, e. g. website URL, mobile application ID, or a YouTube video ID.
Detail placement view placement typeTEXTType of the placement, for example, Website, YouTube Video, and Mobile Application.
Detail placement view resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the detail placement view. Detail placement view resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/detailPlacementViews/{ad_group_id}~{base64_placement}
Detail placement view target urlTEXTURL of the placement, for example, website, link to the mobile application in app store, or a YouTube video URL.
DeviceTEXTDevice to which metrics apply.
Device typeTEXTType of the device.
DimensionsTEXTPositive dimensions specifying the audience composition.
Dimensions audience segments segments custom audience custom audienceTEXTThe custom audience resource.
Dimensions audience segments segments detailed demographic detailed demographicTEXTThe detailed demographic resource.
Dimensions audience segments segments life event life eventTEXTThe life event resource.
Dimensions audience segments segments user interest user interest categoryTEXTThe user interest resource.
Dimensions audience segments segments user list user listTEXTThe user list resource.
Disapproval reasonsTEXTList of disapproval reasons of the criterion. The different reasons for disapproving a criterion can be found here: This field is read-only.
Discovery campaign settings upgraded targetingBOOLEANSpecifies whether this campaign uses upgraded targeting options. When this field is set to true, you can use location and language targeting at the ad group level as opposed to the standard campaign-level targeting. This field defaults to false, and can only be set when creating a campaign.
TEXTCall to action text.
TEXTRequired. Headline of the carousel card.
TEXTAsset resource name of the associated 1.91:1 marketing image. This and/or square marketing image asset is required.
TEXTAsset resource name of the associated 4:5 portrait marketing image.
TEXTAsset resource name of the associated square marketing image. This and/or a marketing image asset is required.
Display custom bid dimensionTEXTAllows advertisers to specify a targeting dimension on which to place absolute bids. This is only applicable for campaigns that target only the display network and not search.
Display nameTEXTThe display name of the criterion. This field is ignored for mutates.
Video duration millisNUMERICThe duration of the video in milliseconds.
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Dynamic custom asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Sedans, 4 door sedans.
Dynamic custom asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $20,000.00.
Dynamic custom asset formatted sale priceTEXTFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $15,000.00.
Dynamic custom asset idTEXTRequired. ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag, for example, sedan. Required.
Dynamic custom asset id2TEXTID2 which can be any sequence of letters and digits, for example, red. ID sequence (ID + ID2) must be unique.
Dynamic custom asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Dynamic custom asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Dynamic custom asset item addressTEXTItem address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
Dynamic custom asset item categoryTEXTItem category, for example, Sedans.
Dynamic custom asset item descriptionTEXTItem description, for example, Best selling mid-size car.
Dynamic custom asset item subtitleTEXTItem subtitle, for example, At your Mountain View dealership.
Dynamic custom asset item titleTEXTRequired. Item title, for example, Mid-size sedan. Required.
Dynamic custom asset priceTEXTPrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 20,000.00 USD.
Dynamic custom asset sale priceTEXTSale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 15,000.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field.
Dynamic custom asset similar idsTEXTSimilar IDs.
Dynamic education asset addressTEXTSchool address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Dynamic education asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Nursing certification, Health, Mountain View.
Dynamic education asset image urlTEXTImage url, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Dynamic education asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Dynamic education asset location idTEXTLocation ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits and must be unique.
Dynamic education asset program descriptionTEXTProgram description, for example, Nursing Certification.
Dynamic education asset program idTEXTRequired. Program ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Dynamic education asset program nameTEXTRequired. Program name, for example, Nursing. Required.
Dynamic education asset school nameTEXTSchool name, for example, Mountain View School of Nursing.
Dynamic education asset similar program idsTEXTSimilar program IDs.
Dynamic education asset subjectTEXTSubject of study, for example, Health.
Dynamic education asset thumbnail image urlTEXTThumbnail image url, for example, The thumbnail image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Dynamic flights asset custom mappingTEXTA custom field which can be multiple key to values mapping separated by delimiters (",", "|" and ":"), in the forms of ": , , ... , | : , ... , | ... | : , ... ," for example, wifi: most | aircraft: 320, 77W | flights: 42 | legroom: 32".
Dynamic flights asset destination idTEXTRequired. Destination ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Dynamic flights asset destination nameTEXTDestination name, for example, Paris.
Dynamic flights asset flight descriptionTEXTRequired. Flight description, for example, Book your ticket. Required.
Dynamic flights asset flight priceTEXTFlight price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD.
Dynamic flights asset flight sale priceTEXTFlight sale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'flight_price' field.
Dynamic flights asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00.
Dynamic flights asset formatted sale priceTEXTFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00.
Dynamic flights asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Dynamic flights asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Dynamic flights asset origin idTEXTOrigin ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits. The ID sequence (destination ID + origin ID) must be unique.
Dynamic flights asset origin nameTEXTOrigin name, for example, London.
Dynamic flights asset similar destination idsTEXTSimilar destination IDs, for example, PAR,LON.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset addressTEXTAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset categoryTEXTCategory, for example, Hotel suite.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Mountain View "Hotels", South Bay hotels.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset descriptionTEXTDescription, for example, Close to SJC Airport.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset destination nameTEXTDestination name, for example, Downtown Mountain View.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset formatted sale priceTEXTFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset priceTEXTPrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset property idTEXTRequired. Property ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset property nameTEXTRequired. Property name, for example, Mountain View Hotel. Required.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset sale priceTEXTISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset similar property idsTEXTSimilar property IDs.
Dynamic hotels and rentals asset star ratingNUMERICStar rating. Must be a number between 1 to 5, inclusive.
Dynamic jobs asset addressTEXTAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403.
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Dynamic jobs asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Software engineering job.
Dynamic jobs asset descriptionTEXTDescription, for example, Apply your technical skills.
Dynamic jobs asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Dynamic jobs asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Dynamic jobs asset job categoryTEXTJob category, for example, Technical.
Dynamic jobs asset job idTEXTRequired. Job ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Dynamic jobs asset job subtitleTEXTJob subtitle, for example, Level II.
Dynamic jobs asset job titleTEXTRequired. Job title, for example, Software engineer. Required.
Dynamic jobs asset location idTEXTLocation ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits. The ID sequence (job ID + location ID) must be unique.
Dynamic jobs asset salaryTEXTSalary, for example, $100,000.
Dynamic jobs asset similar job idsTEXTSimilar job IDs, for example, 1275.
Dynamic local asset addressTEXTAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403.
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Dynamic local asset categoryTEXTCategory, for example, Food.
Dynamic local asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Save groceries coupons.
Dynamic local asset deal idTEXTRequired. Deal ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Dynamic local asset deal nameTEXTRequired. Deal name, for example, 50% off at Mountain View Grocers. Required.
Dynamic local asset descriptionTEXTDescription, for example, Save on your weekly bill.
Dynamic local asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00.
Dynamic local asset formatted sale priceTEXTFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00.
Dynamic local asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Dynamic local asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Dynamic local asset priceTEXTPrice which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD.
Dynamic local asset sale priceTEXTSale price which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field.
Dynamic local asset similar deal idsTEXTSimilar deal IDs, for example, 1275.
Dynamic local asset subtitleTEXTSubtitle, for example, Groceries.
Dynamic real estate asset addressTEXTAddress which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Dynamic real estate asset city nameCITYCity name, for example, Mountain View, California.
Dynamic real estate asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, For sale; Houses for sale.
Dynamic real estate asset descriptionTEXTDescription, for example, 3 beds, 2 baths, 1568 sq. ft.
Dynamic real estate asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $200,000.00.
Dynamic real estate asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Dynamic real estate asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Dynamic real estate asset listing idTEXTRequired. Listing ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Dynamic real estate asset listing nameTEXTRequired. Listing name, for example, Boulevard Bungalow. Required.
Dynamic real estate asset listing typeTEXTListing type, for example, For sale.
Dynamic real estate asset priceTEXTPrice which can be number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 200,000.00 USD.
Dynamic real estate asset property typeTEXTProperty type, for example, House.
Dynamic real estate asset similar listing idsTEXTSimilar listing IDs.
TEXTRequired. The Internet domain name that this setting represents, for example, "" or "".
TEXTThe list of page feeds associated with the campaign.
TEXTRequired. The language code specifying the language of the domain, for example, "en".
BOOLEANWhether the campaign uses advertiser supplied URLs exclusively.
TEXTAndroid deep link, for example, android-app://
Dynamic travel asset categoryTEXTCategory, for example, Express.
Dynamic travel asset contextual keywordsTEXTContextual keywords, for example, Paris trains.
Dynamic travel asset destination addressTEXTDestination address which can be specified in one of the following formats. (1) City, state, code, country, for example, Mountain View, CA, USA. (2) Full address, for example, 123 Boulevard St, Mountain View, CA 94043. (3) Latitude-longitude in the DDD format, for example, 41.40338, 2.17403.
Dynamic travel asset destination idTEXTRequired. Destination ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits, and must be unique and match the values of remarketing tag. Required.
Dynamic travel asset destination nameTEXTDestination name, for example, Paris.
Dynamic travel asset formatted priceTEXTFormatted price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'price', for example, Starting at $100.00.
Dynamic travel asset formatted sale priceTEXTFormatted sale price which can be any characters. If set, this attribute will be used instead of 'sale price', for example, On sale for $80.00.
Dynamic travel asset image urlTEXTImage URL, for example, The image will not be uploaded as image asset.
TEXTiOS deep link, for example, exampleApp://content/page.
Dynamic travel asset ios app store idNUMERICiOS app store ID. This is used to check if the user has the app installed on their device before deep linking. If this field is set, then the ios_app_link field must also be present.
Dynamic travel asset origin idTEXTOrigin ID which can be any sequence of letters and digits. The ID sequence (destination ID + origin ID) must be unique.
Dynamic travel asset origin nameTEXTOrigin name, for example, London.
Dynamic travel asset priceTEXTPrice which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 100.00 USD.
Dynamic travel asset sale priceTEXTSale price which can be a number followed by the alphabetic currency code, ISO 4217 standard. Use '.' as the decimal mark, for example, 80.00 USD. Must be less than the 'price' field.
Dynamic travel asset similar destination idsTEXTSimilar destination IDs, for example, NYC.
Dynamic travel asset titleTEXTRequired. Title, for example, Book your train ticket. Required.
Effective cpc bid microsNUMERICValue will be same as that of the CPC (cost-per-click) bid value when the bidding strategy is one of manual cpc, enhanced cpc, page one promoted or target outrank share, otherwise the value will be null.
Effective cpc bid sourceTEXTSource of the effective CPC bid.
Effective cpm bid microsNUMERICThe effective CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid.
Effective cpm bid sourceTEXTSource of the effective CPM bid.
Effective cpv bid microsNUMERICThe effective CPV (cost-per-view) bid.
Effective cpv bid sourceTEXTSource of the effective CPV bid.
Effective currency codeTEXTThe currency used by the bidding strategy (ISO 4217 three-letter code). For bidding strategies in manager customers, this is the currency set by the advertiser when creating the strategy. For serving customers, this is the customer's currency_code. Bidding strategy metrics are reported in this currency. This field is read-only.
Effective percent cpc bid microsNUMERICThe effective Percent CPC bid amount.
Effective percent cpc bid sourceTEXTSource of the effective Percent CPC bid.
Effective target cpa microsNUMERICThe effective target CPA (cost-per-acquisition). This field is read-only.
Effective target cpa sourceTEXTSource of the effective target CPA. This field is read-only.
Effective target roasNUMERICThe effective target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend). This field is read-only.
Effective target roas sourceTEXTSource of the effective target ROAS. This field is read-only.
Eligible for displayBOOLEANIndicates this user list is eligible for Google Display Network. This field is read-only.
BOOLEANIndicates if this user list is eligible for Google Search Network.
Eligible impressions from location asset store reachNUMERICNumber of impressions in which the store location was shown or the location was used for targeting. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
EnabledBOOLEANThe status between the asset and the latest version of the ad. If true, the asset is linked to the latest version of the ad. If false, it means the link once existed but has been removed and is no longer present in the latest version of the ad.
End dateDATEThe last day of the campaign in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD format. On create, defaults to 2037-12-30, which means the campaign will run indefinitely. To set an existing campaign to run indefinitely, set this field to 2037-12-30.
Engagement ratePERCENTHow often people engage with your ad after it's shown to them. This is the number of ad expansions divided by the number of times your ad is shown.
EngagementsNUMERICThe number of engagements. An engagement occurs when a viewer expands your Lightbox ad. Also, in the future, other ad types may support engagement metrics.
Enhanced cpcTEXTA bidding strategy that raises bids for clicks that seem more likely to lead to a conversion and lowers them for clicks where they seem less likely.
Estimated add clicks at first position cpcNUMERICEstimate of how many clicks per week you might get by changing your keyword bid to the value in first_position_cpc_micros.
Estimated add cost at first position cpcNUMERICEstimate of how your cost per week might change when changing your keyword bid to the value in first_position_cpc_micros.
Excluded parent asset field typesTEXTThe asset field types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset links with these field types will not be inherited by this campaign from the upper level.
Excluded parent asset set typesTEXTThe asset set types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset set links with these types will not be inherited by this campaign from the upper level. Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP, CHAIN_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP, and STATIC_LOCATION_GROUP) are child types of LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this campaign, and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE) will not be served under this campaign. Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
Exclusion dimensionTEXTNegative dimension specifying the audience composition.
Exclusion dimension exclusions user list user listTEXTThe user list resource.
Experiment typeTEXTThe type of campaign: normal, draft, or experiment.
Explicitly sharedBOOLEANSpecifies whether the budget is explicitly shared. Defaults to true if unspecified in a create operation. If true, the budget was created with the purpose of sharing across one or more campaigns. If false, the budget was created with the intention of only being used with a single campaign. The budget's name and status will stay in sync with the campaign's name and status. Attempting to share the budget with a second campaign will result in an error. A non-shared budget can become an explicitly shared. The same operation must also assign the budget a name. A shared campaign budget can never become non-shared.
External activity idTEXTAdvertiser supplied activity ID.
External conversion sourceTEXTExternal conversion source.
External customer idNUMERICThe ID of the customer.
Field typeTEXTRole that the asset takes in the ad.
Field type policy summariesTEXTPolicy information for the asset for each FieldType.
Final mobile urlsTEXTThe list of possible final mobile URLs after all cross-domain redirects.
Final urlTEXTThe advertiser-specified final URL.
Final url suffixTEXTSuffix used to append query parameters to landing pages that are served with parallel tracking.
Final urlsTEXTThe list of possible final URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the ad.
First page cpcNUMERICThe estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be shown on first page of search results.
First position cpcNUMERICThe estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be displayed in first position, at the top of the first page of search results.
Frequency capsTEXTA list that limits how often each user will see this campaign's ads.
Gender typeTEXTType of the gender.
Gender view resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the gender view. Gender view resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/genderViews/{ad_group_id}~{criterion_id}
Geo target airportTEXTResource name of the geo target constant that represents an airport.
Geo target cantonTEXTResource name of the geo target constant that represents a canton.
Geo target city (Alias)CITYResource name of the geo target constant that represents a city.
Geo target country (Geographic View)COUNTRYThe country of the user's actual physical location or an area of interest (Geographic View).
Geo target countyTEXTResource name of the geo target constant that represents a county.
Geo target districtTEXTResource name of the geo target constant that represents a district.
Geo target metroTEXTResource name of the geo target constant that represents a metro.
Geo target most specific locationTEXTResource name of the geo target constant that represents the most specific location.
Geo target postal codeTEXTResource name of the geo target constant that represents a postal code.
Geo target provinceTEXTResource name of the geo target constant that represents a province.
Geo target regionREGIONResource name of the geo target constant that represents a region.
Geo target stateTEXTResource name of the geo target constant that represents a state.
Geo target type setting negative geo target typeTEXTThe setting used for negative geotargeting in this particular campaign.
Geo target type setting positive geo target typeTEXTThe setting used for positive geotargeting in this particular campaign.
Geographic view country criterion idCOUNTRYCriterion Id for the country.
Geographic view location typeTEXTType of the geo targeting of the campaign.
Geographic view resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the geographic view. Geographic view resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/geographicViews/{country_criterion_id}~{location_type}
Gmail forwardsNUMERICThe number of times the ad was forwarded to someone else as a message.
Gmail savesNUMERICThe number of times someone has saved your Gmail ad to their inbox as a message.
Gmail secondary clicksNUMERICThe number of clicks to the landing page on the expanded state of Gmail ads.
Gross profit marginNUMERICGross profit margin is the percentage gross profit you made from orders attributed to your ads, after taking out the cost of goods sold (COGS). How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. Gross profit margin is the gross profit you made divided by your total revenue and multiplied by 100%. Gross profit margin calculations only include products that have a cost of goods sold value in Merchant Center. Example: Someone bought a hat and a shirt in an order on your website. The hat is priced $10 and has a cost of goods sold value of $3. The shirt is priced $20 but has no cost of goods sold value. Gross profit margin for this order will only take into account the hat because it has a cost of goods sold value, so it's 70% = ($10 - $3)/$10 x 100%. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Gross profit microsNUMERICGross profit is the profit you made from orders attributed to your ads minus the cost of goods sold (COGS). How it works: Gross profit is the revenue you made from sales attributed to your ads minus cost of goods sold. Gross profit calculations only include products that have a cost of goods sold value in Merchant Center. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt in an order from your website. The hat is priced $10 and the shirt is priced $20. The hat has a cost of goods sold value of $3, but the shirt has no cost of goods sold value. Gross profit for this order will only take into account the hat, so it's $7 = $10 - $3. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Group placement target urlTEXTURL of the group placement, for example, domain, link to the mobile application in app store, or a YouTube channel URL.
Group placement view display nameTEXTDomain name for websites and YouTube channel name for YouTube channels.
Group placement view placementTEXTThe automatic placement string at group level, e. g. web domain, mobile app ID, or a YouTube channel ID.
Group placement view placement typeTEXTType of the placement, for example, Website, YouTube Channel, Mobile Application.
Group placement view resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the group placement view. Group placement view resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/groupPlacementViews/{ad_group_id}~{base64_placement}
Group placement view target urlTEXTURL of the group placement, for example, domain, link to the mobile application in app store, or a YouTube channel URL.
Has partners badgeBOOLEANWhether the Customer has a Partners program badge. If the Customer is not associated with the Partners program, this will be false. For more information, see
BOOLEANIndicates whether there is a recommended budget for this campaign budget. This field is read-only.
Historical creative quality scoreTEXTThe creative historical quality score.
Historical landing page quality scoreTEXTThe quality of historical landing page experience.
Historical quality scoreNUMERICThe historical quality score.
TEXTThe historical search predicted click through rate (CTR).
Hotel average lead value microsNUMERICAverage lead value based on clicks.
Hotel booking window daysNUMERICHotel booking window in days.
Hotel callout asset language codeTEXTRequired. The language of the hotel callout. Represented as BCP 47 language tag.
Hotel callout asset textTEXTRequired. The text of the hotel callout asset. The length of this string should be between 1 and 25, inclusive.
Hotel center idNUMERICHotel center ID.
Hotel check in dateDATEHotel check-in date. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
Hotel check in day of weekTEXTHotel check-in day of week.
Hotel cityCITYHotel city.
Hotel classNUMERICHotel class.
Hotel countryCOUNTRYHotel country.
Hotel date selection typeTEXTHotel date selection type.
Hotel eligible impressionsNUMERICThe number of impressions that hotel partners could have had given their feed performance.
Hotel length of stayNUMERICHotel length of stay.
Hotel price bucketTEXTHotel price bucket.
Hotel price difference percentageNUMERICThe average price difference between the price offered by reporting hotel advertiser and the cheapest price offered by the competing advertiser.
Hotel property asset hotel addressTEXTAddress of the hotel. Read-only.
Hotel property asset hotel nameTEXTName of the hotel. Read-only.
Hotel property asset place idTEXTPlace IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. See to learn more.
Hotel property asset setTEXTThe set of hotel properties for Performance Max for travel goals campaigns.
Hotel rate rule idTEXTHotel rate rule ID.
Hotel rate typeTEXTHotel rate type.
Hotel setting hotel center idNUMERICThe linked Hotel Center account.
Hotel stateTEXTHotel state.
HourTEXTHour of day as a number between 0 and 23, inclusive.
Hour of dayNUMERICHour of day as a number between 0 and 23, inclusive.
IdTEXTThe ID of the campaign.
Image asset auto migration doneBOOLEANTrue if feed based image has been migrated to asset based image.
Image asset auto migration done date timeDATETimestamp of migration from feed based image to asset base image in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
Image asset file sizeNUMERICFile size of the image asset in bytes.
Image asset full size height pixelsNUMERICHeight of the image.
Image asset full size urlTEXTA URL that returns the image with this height and width.
Image asset full size width pixelsNUMERICWidth of the image.
Image asset mime typeTEXTMIME type of the image asset.
ImpressionsNUMERICCount of how often your ad has appeared on a search results page or website on the Google Network.
Income range typeTEXTType of the income range.
Integration codeTEXTAn ID from external system. It is used by user list sellers to correlate IDs on their systems.
Interaction event typesTEXTThe types of payable and free interactions.
Interaction on this extensionBOOLEANOnly used with feed item metrics. Indicates whether the interaction metrics occurred on the feed item itself or a different extension or ad unit.
Interaction rateNUMERICHow often people interact with your ad after it is shown to them. This is the number of interactions divided by the number of times your ad is shown.
Interaction typesTEXTThe types of payable and free interactions.
InteractionsNUMERICThe number of interactions. An interaction is the main user action associated with an ad format-clicks for text and shopping ads, views for video ads, and so on.
Invalid click ratePERCENTThe percentage of clicks filtered out of your total number of clicks (filtered + non-filtered clicks) during the reporting period.
Invalid clicksNUMERICNumber of clicks Google considers illegitimate and doesn't charge you for.
Ip block ip addressTEXTThe IP address of this IP block.
Is budget explicitly sharedBOOLEANSpecifies whether the budget is explicitly shared. Defaults to true if unspecified in a create operation. If true, the budget was created with the purpose of sharing across one or more campaigns. If false, the budget was created with the intention of only being used with a single campaign. The budget's name and status will stay in sync with the campaign's name and status. Attempting to share the budget with a second campaign will result in an error. A non-shared budget can become an explicitly shared. The same operation must also assign the budget a name. A shared campaign budget can never become non-shared.
Is negativeBOOLEANWhether to target (false) or exclude (true) the criterion. This field is immutable. To switch a criterion from positive to negative, remove then re-add it.
Is restrictTEXTThe per-targeting-dimension setting to restrict the reach of your campaign or ad group.
Keyword ad group criterionTEXTThe AdGroupCriterion resource name.
Keyword Criterion IDTEXTThe Criterion ID for a keyword
Keyword info match typeTEXTThe match type of the keyword.
Keyword info textTEXTThe text of the keyword (at most 80 characters and 10 words).
Keyword match typeTEXTThe match type of the keyword.
Keyword textTEXTThe text of the keyword (at most 80 characters and 10 words).
Keyword theme free form keyword themeTEXTFree-form text to be matched to a Smart Campaign keyword theme constant on a best-effort basis.
Keyword theme keyword theme constantTEXTThe resource name of a Smart Campaign keyword theme constant. keywordThemeConstants/{keyword_theme_id}~{sub_keyword_theme_id}
Keyword view resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the keyword view. Keyword view resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/keywordViews/{ad_group_id}~{criterion_id}
Label idNUMERICID of the label. Read only.
Label nameTEXTThe name of the label. This field is required and should not be empty when creating a new label. The length of this string should be between 1 and 80, inclusive.
Label resource nameTEXTName of the resource. Label resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/labels/{label_id}
Label statusTEXTStatus of the label. Read only.
Label text label background colorTEXTBackground color of the label in RGB format. This string must match the regular expression '^\#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})$'. Note: The background color may not be visible for manager accounts.
Label text label descriptionTEXTA short description of the label. The length must be no more than 200 characters.
LabelsTEXTThe resource names of labels attached to this campaign.
Landing page view resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the landing page view. Landing page view resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/landingPageViews/{unexpanded_final_url_fingerprint}
Language criteria idTEXTResource name of the language constant for the language of the product.
Language language constantTEXTThe language constant resource name.
Launched to allBOOLEANTrue if the user interest is launched to all channels and locales.
Lead cost of goods sold microsNUMERICLead cost of goods sold (COGS) is the total cost of products sold as a result of advertising the same product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the cost of these goods is counted under lead cost of goods sold. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat has a cost of goods sold value of $3, the shirt has a cost of goods sold value of $5. The lead cost of goods sold for this order is $3. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Lead form asset background image assetTEXTAsset resource name of the background image. The image dimensions must be exactly 1200x628.
Lead form asset business nameTEXTRequired. The name of the business being advertised.
Lead form asset call to action descriptionTEXTRequired. Text giving a clear value proposition of what users expect once they expand the form.
Lead form asset call to action typeTEXTRequired. Pre-defined display text that encourages user to expand the form.
Lead form asset custom disclosureTEXTCustom disclosure shown along with Google disclaimer on the lead form. Accessible to allowed customers only.
Lead form asset custom question fieldsTEXTOrdered list of custom question fields. This field is subject to a limit of 5 qualifying questions per form.
Lead form asset delivery methodsTEXTConfigured methods for collected lead data to be delivered to advertiser. Only one method typed as WebhookDelivery can be configured.
Lead form asset descriptionTEXTRequired. Detailed description of the expanded form to describe what the form is asking for or facilitating.
Lead form asset desired intentTEXTChosen intent for the lead form, for example, more volume or more qualified.
Lead form asset fieldsTEXTOrdered list of input fields. This field can be updated by reordering questions, but not by adding or removing questions.
Lead form asset headlineTEXTRequired. Headline of the expanded form to describe what the form is asking for or facilitating.
Lead form asset post submit call to action typeTEXTPre-defined display text that encourages user action after the form is submitted.
Lead form asset post submit descriptionTEXTDetailed description shown after form submission that describes how the advertiser will follow up with the user.
Lead form asset post submit headlineTEXTHeadline of text shown after form submission that describes how the advertiser will follow up with the user.
Lead form asset privacy policy urlTEXTRequired. Link to a page describing the policy on how the collected data is handled by the advertiser/business.
Lead gross profit microsNUMERICLead gross profit is the profit you made from products sold as a result of advertising the same product, minus cost of goods sold (COGS). How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the revenue you made from these sales minus the cost of goods sold is your lead gross profit. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat is priced $10 and has a cost of goods sold value of $3. The lead gross profit of this order is $7 = $10 - $3. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Lead revenue microsNUMERICLead revenue is the total amount you made from products sold as a result of advertising the same product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the total value you made from the sales of these products is shown under lead revenue. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat is priced $10 and the shirt is priced $20. The lead revenue of this order is $10. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Lead units soldNUMERICLead units sold is the total number of products sold as a result of advertising the same product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the total number of these products sold is shown under lead units sold. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat, a shirt and a jacket. The lead units sold in this order is 1. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Listing group case value activity country valueCOUNTRYString value of the activity country. The Geo Target Constant resource name.
Listing group case value activity id valueTEXTString value of the activity ID.
Listing group case value activity rating valueNUMERICLong value of the activity rating.
Listing group case value hotel city city criterionCITYThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Listing group case value hotel class valueNUMERICLong value of the hotel class.
Listing group case value hotel country region country region criterionREGIONThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Listing group case value hotel id valueTEXTString value of the hotel ID.
Listing group case value hotel state state criterionTEXTThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Listing group case value product brand valueTEXTString value of the product brand.
Listing group case value product category category idNUMERICID of the product category. This ID is equivalent to the google_product_category ID as described in this article:
Listing group case value product category levelTEXTLevel of the product category.
Listing group case value product channel channelTEXTValue of the locality.
Listing group case value product channel exclusivity channel exclusivityTEXTValue of the availability.
Listing group case value product condition conditionTEXTValue of the condition.
Listing group case value product custom attribute indexTEXTIndicates the index of the custom attribute.
Listing group case value product custom attribute valueTEXTString value of the product custom attribute.
Listing group case value product item id valueTEXTValue of the id.
Listing group case value product type levelTEXTLevel of the type.
Listing group case value product type valueTEXTValue of the type.
Listing group parent ad group criterionTEXTResource name of ad group criterion which is the parent listing group subdivision. Null for the root group.
Listing group pathTEXTThe path of dimensions defining this listing group.
Listing group typeTEXTType of the listing group.
Listing scope dimensionsTEXTScope of the campaign criterion.
Listing scope dimensions activity country valueCOUNTRYString value of the activity country. The Geo Target Constant resource name.
Listing scope dimensions hotel city city criterionCITYThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Listing scope dimensions hotel country region country region criterionREGIONThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Listing scope dimensions hotel state state criterionTEXTThe Geo Target Constant resource name.
Listing typeTEXTListing type of ads served for this campaign. Field is restricted for usage with Performance Max campaigns.
Local campaign setting location source typeTEXTThe location source type for this local campaign.
Local service id service idTEXTThe criterion resource name.
Local services campaign settings category bidsTEXTCategorical level bids associated with MANUAL_CPA bidding strategy.
Local services settings granular insurance statusesTEXTA read-only list of geo vertical level insurance statuses.
Local services settings granular license statusesTEXTA read-only list of geo vertical level license statuses.
Location asset auto migration doneBOOLEANTrue if feed based location has been migrated to asset based location.
Location asset auto migration done date timeDATETimestamp of migration from feed based location to asset base location in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
Location asset business profile locationsTEXTThe list of business locations for the customer. This will only be returned if the Location Asset is syncing from the Business Profile account. It is possible to have multiple Business Profile listings under the same account that point to the same Place ID.
Location asset location ownership typeTEXTThe type of location ownership. If the type is BUSINESS_OWNER, it will be served as a location extension. If the type is AFFILIATE, it will be served as an affiliate location.
Location asset place idTEXTPlace IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. This field is unique for a given customer ID and asset type. See to learn more about Place ID.
Location geo target constantTEXTThe geo target constant resource name.
Location groupTEXTLocation Group
Location group enable customer level location asset setBOOLEANDenotes that the latest customer level asset set is used for targeting. Used with radius and radius_units. Cannot be used with feed, geo target constants or feed item sets. When using asset sets, either this field or location_group_asset_sets should be specified. Both cannot be used at the same time. This can only be set in CREATE operations.
Location group feedTEXTFeed specifying locations for targeting. Cannot be set with AssetSet fields. This is required and must be set in CREATE operations.
Location group geo target constantsTEXTGeo target constant(s) restricting the scope of the geographic area within the feed. Currently only one geo target constant is allowed. Cannot be set with AssetSet fields.
Location typeTEXTType of the geo targeting of the campaign.
Logical user list rulesTEXTLogical list rules that define this user list. The rules are defined as a logical operator (ALL/ANY/NONE) and a list of user lists. All the rules are ANDed when they are evaluated. Required for creating a logical user list.
Lookalike user list country codesTEXTCountries targeted by the Lookalike. Two-letter country code as defined by ISO-3166
Lookalike user list expansion levelTEXTExpansion level, reflecting the size of the lookalike audience
Lookalike user list seed user list idsNUMERICSeed UserList ID from which this list is derived, provided by user.
ManagerBOOLEANWhether the customer is a manager.
Manual cpaTEXTStandard Manual CPA bidding strategy. Manual bidding strategy that allows advertiser to set the bid per advertiser-specified action. Supported only for Local Services campaigns.
Manual cpc enhanced cpc enabledBOOLEANWhether bids are to be enhanced based on conversion optimizer data.
Manual cpmTEXTStandard Manual CPM bidding strategy. Manual impression-based bidding where user pays per thousand impressions.
Manual cpvTEXTA bidding strategy that pays a configurable amount per video view.
Match rate percentageNUMERICIndicates match rate for Customer Match lists. The range of this field is [0-100]. This will be null for other list types or when it's not possible to calculate the match rate. This field is read-only.
Maximize conversion value cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Maximize conversion value cpc bid floor microsNUMERICMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Maximize conversion value target roasNUMERICThe target return on ad spend (ROAS) option. If set, the bid strategy will maximize revenue while averaging the target return on ad spend. If the target ROAS is high, the bid strategy may not be able to spend the full budget. If the target ROAS is not set, the bid strategy will aim to achieve the highest possible ROAS for the budget.
Maximize conversions cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Maximize conversions cpc bid floor microsNUMERICMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Maximize conversions target cpa microsNUMERICThe target cost per acquisition (CPA) option. This is the average amount that you would like to spend per acquisition.
Membership life spanNUMERICNumber of days a user's cookie stays on your list since its most recent addition to the list. This field must be between 0 and 540 inclusive. However, for CRM based userlists, this field can be set to 10000 which means no expiration. This field is ignored for logical_user_list and rule_based_user_list types. Membership to lists of these types depends on the rules defined by the lists.
Membership statusTEXTMembership status of this user list. Indicates whether a user list is open or active. Only open user lists can accumulate more users and can be targeted to.
Merchant idNUMERICMerchant ID of the product.
Message chat rateNUMERICNumber of message chats initiated (message_chats) divided by the number of message impressions (message_impressions). Rate at which a user initiates a message chat from an ad impression with a messaging option and message tracking enabled. Note that this rate can be more than 1.0 for a given message impression.
Message chatsNUMERICNumber of message chats initiated for Click To Message impressions that were message tracking eligible.
Message impressionsNUMERICNumber of Click To Message impressions that were message tracking eligible.
Geo target metro areaTEXTGeo target metro area.
Mobile app asset app idTEXTRequired. A string that uniquely identifies a mobile application. It should just contain the platform native id, like "" for Android or "12345689" for iOS.
Mobile app asset app storeTEXTRequired. The application store that distributes this specific app.
Mobile app asset end dateDATELast date of when this asset is effective and still serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
TEXTRequired. The visible text displayed when the link is rendered in an ad. The length of this string should be between 1 and 25, inclusive.
Mobile app asset start dateDATEStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Mobile app category mobile app category constantTEXTThe mobile app category constant resource name.
Mobile application app idTEXTA string that uniquely identifies a mobile application to Google Ads API. The format of this string is "{platform}-{platform_native_id}", where platform is "1" for iOS apps and "2" for Android apps, and where platform_native_id is the mobile application identifier native to the corresponding platform. For iOS, this native identifier is the 9 digit string that appears at the end of an App Store URL (for example, "476943146" for "Flood-It! 2" whose App Store link is "!-2/id476943146"). For Android, this native identifier is the application's package name (for example, "com.labpixies.colordrips" for "Color Drips" given Google Play link ""). A well formed app id for Google Ads API would thus be "1-476943146" for iOS and "2-com.labpixies.colordrips" for Android. This field is required and must be set in CREATE operations.
Mobile application nameTEXTName of this mobile application.
Mobile device mobile device constantTEXTThe mobile device constant resource name.
Mobile friendly clicks percentageNUMERICThe percentage of mobile clicks that go to a mobile-friendly page.
MonthTEXTMonth as represented by the date of the first day of a month. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
Month of yearTEXTMonth of the year, for example, January.
NameTEXTThe name of the campaign. This field is required and should not be empty when creating new campaigns. It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
NegativeBOOLEANWhether to target (false) or exclude (true) the criterion. This field is immutable. To switch a criterion from positive to negative, remove then re-add it.
Network settings target content networkBOOLEANWhether ads will be served on specified placements in the Google Display Network. Placements are specified using the Placement criterion.
BOOLEANWhether ads will be served with search results.
Network settings target google tv networkBOOLEANWhether ads will be served on the Google TV network.
BOOLEANWhether ads will be served on the Google Partner Network. This is available only to some select Google partner accounts.
BOOLEANWhether ads will be served on partner sites in the Google Search Network (requires target_google_search to also be true).
Network settings target youtubeBOOLEANWhether ads will be served on YouTube.
New customer lifetime valueNUMERICNew customers' lifetime conversion value. If you have set up customer acquisition goal at either account level or campaign level, this will include the additional conversion value from new customers for biddable conversions. If your campaign has adopted the customer acquisition goal and selected "bid higher for new customers", these values will be included in "conversions_value" for optimization. See for more details.
New versus returning customersTEXTThis is for segmenting conversions by whether the user is a new customer or a returning customer. This segmentation is typically used to measure the impact of customer acquisition goal.
Non removed campaign countNUMERICThe number of non-removed campaigns attached to this bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
Num offline impressionsNUMERICNumber of offline phone impressions.
Num offline interactionsNUMERICNumber of offline phone calls.
Offer idTEXTItem ID of the product.
Offline interaction rateNUMERICNumber of phone calls received (phone_calls) divided by the number of times your phone number is shown (phone_impressions).
Operating system version operating system version constantTEXTThe operating system version constant resource name.
Optimization goal setting optimization goal typesTEXTThe list of optimization goal types.
Optimization scoreNUMERICOptimization score of the campaign. Optimization score is an estimate of how well a campaign is set to perform. It ranges from 0% (0.0) to 100% (1.0), with 100% indicating that the campaign is performing at full potential. This field is null for unscored campaigns. See "About optimization score" at This field is read-only.
Optimization score upliftNUMERICTotal optimization score uplift of all recommendations.
Optimization score urlTEXTURL for the optimization score page in the Google Ads web interface. This metric can be selected from customer or campaign, and can be segmented by segments.recommendation_type. For example, SELECT metrics.optimization_score_url, segments.recommendation_type FROM customer will return a URL for each unique (customer, recommendation_type) combination.
Optimization score weightNUMERICOptimization score weight of the customer. Optimization score weight can be used to compare/aggregate optimization scores across multiple non-manager customers. The aggregate optimization score of a manager is computed as the sum over all of their customers of Customer.optimization_score * Customer.optimization_score_weight. This field is 0 for all manager customers, and for unscored non-manager customers. This field is read-only.
Optimized targeting enabledBOOLEANTrue if optimized targeting is enabled. Optimized Targeting is the replacement for Audience Expansion.
OrdersNUMERICOrders is the total number of purchase conversions you received attributed to your ads. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If a conversion is attributed to previous interactions with your ads (clicks for text or Shopping ads, views for video ads etc.) it's counted as an order. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt in an order on your website. Even though they bought 2 products, this would count as 1 order. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Owner customer idNUMERICThe ID of the Customer which owns the bidding strategy.
Owner descriptive nameTEXTdescriptive_name of the Customer which owns the bidding strategy.
Page feed asset labelsTEXTLabels used to group the page urls.
Page feed asset page urlTEXTRequired. The webpage that advertisers want to target.
Parental status typeTEXTType of the parental status.
Partner hotel idTEXTPartner hotel ID.
Path1TEXTFirst part of text that may appear appended to the url displayed in the ad.
Path2TEXTSecond part of text that may appear appended to the url displayed in the ad. This field can only be set when path1 is set.
Pay per conversion eligibility failure reasonsTEXTReasons why the customer is not eligible to use PaymentMode.CONVERSIONS. If the list is empty, the customer is eligible. This field is read-only.
Payment modeTEXTPayment mode for the campaign.
Percent cpc bid microsNUMERICThe percent cpc bid amount, expressed as a fraction of the advertised price for some good or service. The valid range for the fraction is [0,1) and the value stored here is 1,000,000 * [fraction].
Percent cpc cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. This is an optional field entered by the advertiser and specified in local micros. Note: A zero value is interpreted in the same way as having bid_ceiling undefined.
Percent cpc enhanced cpc enabledBOOLEANAdjusts the bid for each auction upward or downward, depending on the likelihood of a conversion. Individual bids may exceed cpc_bid_ceiling_micros, but the average bid amount for a campaign should not.
Percent new visitorsNUMERICPercentage of first-time sessions (from people who had never visited your site before). Imported from Google Analytics.
Performance labelTEXTPerformance of an asset linkage.
Performance max upgrade performance max campaignTEXTIndicates which Performance Max campaign the campaign is upgraded to.
Performance max upgrade pre upgrade campaignTEXTIndicates legacy campaign upgraded to Performance Max.
Performance max upgrade statusTEXTThe upgrade status of a campaign requested to be upgraded to Performance Max.
PeriodTEXTPeriod over which to spend the budget. Defaults to DAILY if not specified.
Phone callsNUMERICNumber of offline phone calls.
Phone impressionsNUMERICNumber of offline phone impressions.
Phone through rateNUMERICNumber of phone calls received (phone_calls) divided by the number of times your phone number is shown (phone_impressions).
Pinned fieldTEXTPinned field.
Placeholder typeTEXTPlaceholder type. This is only used with feed item metrics.
PlacementTEXTThe automatic placement string at detail level, e. g. website URL, mobile application ID, or a YouTube video ID.
Placement typeTEXTType of the placement, for example, Website, YouTube Video, and Mobile Application.
Placement urlTEXTURL of the placement. For example, "".
Policy summaryTEXTPolicy information for the ad group ad asset.
Policy summary approval statusTEXTThe overall approval status of this ad, calculated based on the status of its individual policy topic entries.
Policy summary policy topic entriesTEXTThe list of policy findings for this ad.
Policy summary review statusTEXTWhere in the review process this ad is.
Position estimates estimated add clicks at first position cpcNUMERICEstimate of how many clicks per week you might get by changing your keyword bid to the value in first_position_cpc_micros.
Position estimates estimated add cost at first position cpcNUMERICEstimate of how your cost per week might change when changing your keyword bid to the value in first_position_cpc_micros.
Position estimates first page cpc microsNUMERICThe estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be shown on first page of search results.
Position estimates first position cpc microsNUMERICThe estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be displayed in first position, at the top of the first page of search results.
Position estimates top of page cpc microsNUMERICThe estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be displayed at the top of the first page of search results.
Post click quality scoreTEXTThe quality score of the landing page.
Geo target postal code numbersTEXTGeo target postal code.
Price asset language codeTEXTRequired. The language of the price asset. Represented as BCP 47 language tag.
Price asset price offeringsTEXTThe price offerings of the price asset. The size of this collection should be between 3 and 8, inclusive.
Price asset price qualifierTEXTThe price qualifier of the price asset.
Price asset typeTEXTRequired. The type of the price asset.
Primary statusTEXTThe primary status of the campaign. Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving optimally. Modification to the campaign and its related entities might take a while to be reflected in this status.
Primary status reasonsTEXTThe primary status reasons of the campaign. Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall CampaignPrimaryStatus.
Product aggregator idNUMERICAggregator ID of the product.
Product brandTEXTBrand of the product.
Product category level1TEXTCategory (level 1) of the product.
Product category level2TEXTCategory (level 2) of the product.
Product category level3TEXTCategory (level 3) of the product.
Product category level4TEXTCategory (level 4) of the product.
Product category level5TEXTCategory (level 5) of the product.
Product channelTEXTChannel of the product.
Product channel exclusivityTEXTChannel exclusivity of the product.
Product conditionTEXTCondition of the product.
Product countryCOUNTRYResource name of the geo target constant for the country of sale of the product.
Product custom attribute0TEXTCustom attribute 0 of the product.
Product custom attribute1TEXTCustom attribute 1 of the product.
Product custom attribute2TEXTCustom attribute 2 of the product.
Product custom attribute3TEXTCustom attribute 3 of the product.
Product custom attribute4TEXTCustom attribute 4 of the product.
Product feed labelTEXTFeed label of the product.
Product item idTEXTItem ID of the product.
Product languageTEXTResource name of the language constant for the language of the product.
Product merchant idNUMERICMerchant ID of the product.
Product store idTEXTStore ID of the product.
Product titleTEXTTitle of the product.
Product type l1TEXTType (level 1) of the product.
Product type l2TEXTType (level 2) of the product.
Product type l3TEXTType (level 3) of the product.
Product type l4TEXTType (level 4) of the product.
Product type l5TEXTType (level 5) of the product.
Promotion asset ad schedule targetsTEXTList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve. There can be a maximum of 6 schedules per day, 42 in total.
Promotion asset discount modifierTEXTA modifier for qualification of the discount.
Promotion asset end dateDATELast date of when this asset is effective and still serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Promotion asset language codeTEXTThe language of the promotion. Represented as BCP 47 language tag.
Promotion asset money amount off amount microsNUMERICAmount in micros. One million is equivalent to one unit.
Promotion asset money amount off currency codeTEXTThree-character ISO 4217 currency code.
Promotion asset occasionTEXTThe occasion the promotion was intended for. If an occasion is set, the redemption window will need to fall within the date range associated with the occasion.
Promotion asset orders over amount amount microsNUMERICAmount in micros. One million is equivalent to one unit.
Promotion asset orders over amount currency codeTEXTThree-character ISO 4217 currency code.
Promotion asset percent offNUMERICPercentage off discount in the promotion. 1,000,000 = 100%. Either this or money_amount_off is required.
Promotion asset promotion codeTEXTA code the user should use in order to be eligible for the promotion.
Promotion asset promotion targetTEXTRequired. A freeform description of what the promotion is targeting.
Promotion asset redemption end dateDATELast date of when the promotion is eligible to be redeemed, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Promotion asset redemption start dateDATEStart date of when the promotion is eligible to be redeemed, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Promotion asset start dateDATEStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Proximity address city nameCITYName of the city.
Proximity address country codeCOUNTRYCountry code.
Proximity address postal codeTEXTPostal code.
Proximity address province codeTEXTProvince or state code.
Proximity address province nameTEXTProvince or state name.
Proximity address street addressTEXTStreet address line 1.
Proximity geo point latitude in micro degreesNUMERICMicro degrees for the latitude.
Proximity geo point longitude in micro degreesNUMERICMicro degrees for the longitude.
Proximity radiusNUMERICThe radius of the proximity.
Proximity radius unitsTEXTThe unit of measurement of the radius. Default is KILOMETERS.
Publisher organic clicksNUMERICClicks from properties for which the traffic the publisher has not paid for or acquired through incentivized activity
Publisher purchased clicksNUMERICClicks from properties not owned by the publisher for which the traffic the publisher has paid for or acquired through incentivized activity
Publisher unknown clicksNUMERICClicks from traffic which is not identified as "Publisher Purchased" or "Publisher Organic"
Quality info creative quality scoreTEXTThe performance of the ad compared to other advertisers.
Quality info post click quality scoreTEXTThe quality score of the landing page.
Quality info quality scoreNUMERICThe quality score. This field may not be populated if Google does not have enough information to determine a value.
TEXTThe click-through rate compared to that of other advertisers.
Quality scoreNUMERICThe quality score. This field may not be populated if Google does not have enough information to determine a value.
QuarterTEXTQuarter as represented by the date of the first day of a quarter. Uses the calendar year for quarters, for example, the second quarter of 2018 starts on 2018-04-01. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
Read onlyBOOLEANAn option that indicates if a user may edit a list. Depends on the list ownership and list type. For example, external remarketing user lists are not editable. This field is read-only.
Real time bidding setting opt inBOOLEANWhether the campaign is opted in to real-time bidding.
Recommendation typeTEXTRecommendation type.
NUMERICThe recommended budget amount. If no recommendation is available, this will be set to the budget amount. Amount is specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit. This field is read-only.
NUMERICThe recommended budget amount. If no recommendation is available, this will be set to the budget amount. Amount is specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit. This field is read-only.
NUMERICThe estimated change in weekly clicks if the recommended budget is applied. This field is read-only.
NUMERICThe estimated change in weekly cost in micros if the recommended budget is applied. One million is equivalent to one currency unit. This field is read-only.
NUMERICThe estimated change in weekly interactions if the recommended budget is applied. This field is read-only.
NUMERICThe estimated change in weekly views if the recommended budget is applied. This field is read-only.
Reference countNUMERICThe number of campaigns actively using the budget. This field is read-only.
Geo target regionREGIONGeo target region name.
Relative ctrNUMERICYour clickthrough rate (Ctr) divided by the average clickthrough rate of all advertisers on the websites that show your ads. Measures how your ads perform on Display Network sites compared to other ads on the same sites.
Remarketing setting google global site tagTEXTThe Google tag.
Resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the campaign. Campaign resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/campaigns/{campaign_id}
Revenue microsNUMERICRevenue is the total amount you made from orders attributed to your ads. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. Revenue is the total value of all the orders you received attributed to your ads, minus any discount. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt in an order from your website. The hat is priced $10 and the shirt is priced $20. The entire order has a $5 discount. The revenue from this order is $25 = ($10 + $20) - $5. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
ROASPERCENTReturn on Spend
Rule based user list flexible rule user list exclusive operandsTEXTRules representing users that should be excluded from the user list. These are located on the right side of the AND_NOT operator, and joined together by OR.
Rule based user list flexible rule user list inclusive operandsTEXTRules representing users that should be included in the user list. These are located on the left side of the AND_NOT operator, and joined together by either AND/OR as specified by the inclusive_rule_operator.
Rule based user list flexible rule user list inclusive rule operatorTEXTOperator that defines how the inclusive operands are combined.
Rule based user list prepopulation statusTEXTThe status of pre-population. The field is default to NONE if not set which means the previous users will not be considered. If set to REQUESTED, past site visitors or app users who match the list definition will be included in the list (works on the Display Network only). This will only add past users from within the last 30 days, depending on the list's membership duration and the date when the remarketing tag is added. The status will be updated to FINISHED once request is processed, or FAILED if the request fails.
ScopeTEXTDefines the scope this audience can be used in. By default, the scope is CUSTOMER. Audiences can be created with a scope of ASSET_GROUP for exclusive use by a single asset_group. Scope may change from ASSET_GROUP to CUSTOMER but not from CUSTOMER to ASSET_GROUP.
NUMERICThe percentage of the customer's Shopping or Search ad impressions that are shown in the most prominent Shopping position. See for details. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
NUMERICThe number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad among the top ads in the search results due to a low budget. Note: Search budget lost absolute top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
NUMERICThe estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Search Network but didn't because your budget was too low. Note: Search budget lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
NUMERICThe number estimating how often your ad didn't show adjacent to the top organic search results due to a low budget. Note: Search budget lost top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
NUMERICThe number of clicks you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of clicks you were eligible to receive. Note: Search click share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
TEXTType of the search engine results page.
NUMERICThe impressions you've received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive on the Search Network for search terms that matched your keywords exactly (or were close variants of your keyword), regardless of your keyword match types. Note: Search exact match impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
NUMERICThe impressions you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. Note: Search impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
TEXTThe click-through rate compared to that of other advertisers.
NUMERICThe number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad among the top ads in the search results due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Search rank lost absolute top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
NUMERICThe estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Search rank lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
NUMERICThe number estimating how often your ad didn't show adjacent to the top organic search results due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Search rank lost top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
TEXTThe search term.
TEXTMatch type of the keyword that triggered the ad, including variants.
TEXTThe ad group the search term served in.
TEXTThe Ad Group ID for a search term
TEXTThe Campaign ID for a search term
TEXTThe Keyword ID for a search term
TEXTThe resource name of the search term view. Search term view resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/searchTermViews/{campaign_id}~{ad_group_id}~{URL-base64_search_term}
TEXTThe search term.
TEXTIndicates whether the search term is currently one of your targeted or excluded keywords.
NUMERICThe impressions you've received among the top ads compared to the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive among the top ads. Note: Search top impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999. Top ads are generally above the top organic results, although they may show below the top organic results on certain queries.
Selective optimization conversion actionsTEXTThe selected set of conversion actions for optimizing this campaign.
Serving statusTEXTThe ad serving status of the campaign.
Shopping performance view resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the Shopping performance view. Shopping performance view resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/shoppingPerformanceView
Shopping setting advertising partner idsNUMERICThe ads account IDs of advertising partners cooperating within the campaign.
Shopping setting campaign priorityNUMERICPriority of the campaign. Campaigns with numerically higher priorities take precedence over those with lower priorities. This field is required for Shopping campaigns, with values between 0 and 2, inclusive. This field is optional for Smart Shopping campaigns, but must be equal to 3 if set.
Shopping setting enable localBOOLEANWhether to include local products.
Shopping setting feed labelTEXTFeed label of products to include in the campaign. Only one of feed_label or sales_country can be set. If used instead of sales_country, the feed_label field accepts country codes in the same format for example: 'XX'. Otherwise can be any string used for feed label in Google Merchant Center.
Shopping setting merchant idNUMERICID of the Merchant Center account. This field is required for create operations. This field is immutable for Shopping campaigns.
Shopping setting use vehicle inventoryBOOLEANWhether to target Vehicle Listing inventory. This field is supported only in Smart Shopping Campaigns. For setting Vehicle Listing inventory in Performance Max campaigns, use listing_type instead.
Similar user list seed user listTEXTSeed UserList from which this list is derived.
TEXTList of non-overlapping schedules specifying all time intervals for which the asset may serve. There can be a maximum of 6 schedules per day, 42 in total.
TEXTFirst line of the description for the sitelink. If set, the length should be between 1 and 35, inclusive, and description2 must also be set.
TEXTSecond line of the description for the sitelink. If set, the length should be between 1 and 35, inclusive, and description1 must also be set.
DATELast date of when this asset is effective and still serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
TEXTRequired. URL display text for the sitelink. The length of this string should be between 1 and 25, inclusive.
DATEStart date of when this asset is effective and can begin serving, in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Size for displayNUMERICEstimated number of users in this user list, on the Google Display Network. This value is null if the number of users has not yet been determined. This field is read-only.
NUMERICEstimated number of users in this user list in the domain. These are the users available for targeting in Search campaigns. This value is null if the number of users has not yet been determined. This field is read-only.
Size range for displayTEXTSize range in terms of number of users of the UserList, on the Google Display Network. This field is read-only.
TEXTSize range in terms of number of users of the UserList, for Search ads. This field is read-only.
Sk ad network ad event typeTEXTiOS Store Kit Ad Network ad event type.
Sk ad network attribution creditTEXTiOS Store Kit Ad Network attribution credit
Sk ad network coarse conversion valueTEXTiOS Store Kit Ad Network coarse conversion value.
Sk ad network conversion valueNUMERICiOS Store Kit Ad Network conversion value. Null value means this segment is not applicable, for example, non-iOS campaign.
Sk ad network installsNUMERICThe number of iOS Store Kit Ad Network conversions.
Sk ad network postback sequence indexNUMERICiOS Store Kit Ad Network postback sequence index.
Sk ad network source app sk ad network source app idTEXTApp id where the ad that drove the iOS Store Kit Ad Network install was shown.
Sk ad network source domainTEXTWebsite where the ad that drove the iOS Store Kit Ad Network install was shown. Null value means this segment is not applicable, for example, non-iOS campaign, or was not present in any postbacks sent by Apple.
Sk ad network source typeTEXTThe source type where the ad that drove the iOS Store Kit Ad Network install was shown. Null value means this segment is not applicable, for example, non-iOS campaign, or neither source domain nor source app were present in any postbacks sent by Apple.
Sk ad network total conversionsNUMERICThe total number of iOS Store Kit Ad Network conversions.
Sk ad network user typeTEXTiOS Store Kit Ad Network user type.
SlotTEXTPosition of the ad.
SourceTEXTThe name of the connector ("google_ads")
Speed scoreNUMERICA measure of how quickly your page loads after clicks on your mobile ads. The score is a range from 1 to 10, 10 being the fastest.
SpendNUMERICThe sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period.
Start dateDATEThe date when campaign started in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Geo target state name.TEXTGeo target state name.
StatusTEXTThe status of the campaign. When a new campaign is added, the status defaults to ENABLED.
Store idTEXTStore ID of the product.
Structured snippet asset headerTEXTRequired. The header of the snippet. This string should be one of the predefined values at
Structured snippet asset valuesTEXTRequired. The values in the snippet. The size of this collection should be between 3 and 10, inclusive. The length of each value should be between 1 and 25 characters, inclusive.
System serving statusTEXTServing status of the criterion.
Target cpaNUMERICThe effective target CPA (cost-per-acquisition). This field is read-only.
Target cpa bid sourceTEXTSource of the effective target CPA. This field is read-only.
Target cpa cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Target cpa cpc bid floor microsNUMERICMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Target cpa microsNUMERICThe target CPA (cost-per-acquisition). If the ad group's campaign bidding strategy is TargetCpa or MaximizeConversions (with its target_cpa field set), then this field overrides the target CPA specified in the campaign's bidding strategy. Otherwise, this value is ignored.
Target cpa target cpa microsNUMERICAverage CPA target. This target should be greater than or equal to minimum billable unit based on the currency for the account.
Target cpm microsNUMERICAverage amount in micros that the advertiser is willing to pay for every thousand times the ad is shown.
Target cpm target frequency goal target countNUMERICTarget Frequency count representing how many times you want to reach a single user.
Target cpm target frequency goal time unitTEXTTime window expressing the period over which you want to reach the specified target_count.
Target impression share cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICThe highest CPC bid the automated bidding system is permitted to specify. This is a required field entered by the advertiser that sets the ceiling and specified in local micros.
Target impression share locationTEXTThe targeted location on the search results page.
Target impression share location fraction microsNUMERICThe chosen fraction of ads to be shown in the targeted location in micros. For example, 1% equals 10,000.
Target roasNUMERICThe target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend) override. If the ad group's campaign bidding strategy is TargetRoas or MaximizeConversionValue (with its target_roas field set), then this field overrides the target ROAS specified in the campaign's bidding strategy. Otherwise, this value is ignored.
Target roas cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Target roas cpc bid floor microsNUMERICMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Target roas target roasNUMERICThe chosen revenue (based on conversion data) per unit of spend.
Target spend cpc bid ceiling microsNUMERICMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy.
Target spend target spend microsNUMERICThe spend target under which to maximize clicks. A TargetSpend bidder will attempt to spend the smaller of this value or the natural throttling spend amount. If not specified, the budget is used as the spend target. This field is deprecated and should no longer be used. See for details.
Target urlTEXTURL of the placement, for example, website, link to the mobile application in app store, or a YouTube video URL.
Targeting locationBOOLEANIndicates whether location was targeted or not.
Targeting setting target restrictionsTEXTThe per-targeting-dimension setting to restrict the reach of your campaign or ad group.
Taxonomy typeTEXTTaxonomy type of the user interest.
Test accountBOOLEANWhether the customer is a test account.
Text asset textTEXTText content of the text asset.
Text label background colorTEXTBackground color of the label in RGB format. This string must match the regular expression '^\#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})$'. Note: The background color may not be visible for manager accounts.
Text label descriptionTEXTA short description of the label. The length must be no more than 200 characters.
Time zoneTEXTThe local timezone ID of the customer.
TitleTEXTThe title of the video.
TodayDATEToday's date
Top impression percentageNUMERICThe percent of your ad impressions that are shown adjacent to the top organic search results.
Top of page cpcNUMERICThe estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be displayed at the top of the first page of search results.
Topic pathTEXTThe category to target or exclude. Each subsequent element in the array describes a more specific sub-category. For example, "Pets & Animals", "Pets", "Dogs" represents the "Pets & Animals/Pets/Dogs" category.
Topic topic constantTEXTThe Topic Constant resource name.
Total amountNUMERICThe lifetime amount of the budget, in the local currency for the account. Amount is specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
Total amount microsNUMERICThe lifetime amount of the budget, in the local currency for the account. Amount is specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit.
Total CostNUMERICThe sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period.
Tracking setting tracking urlTEXTThe url used for dynamic tracking.
Tracking url templateTEXTThe URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
TransactionrevenueNUMERICThe value of all conversions.
TransactionsNUMERICThe total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless of the value of include_in_conversions_metric.
Travel campaign settings travel account idNUMERICThe Travel account ID associated with the Travel campaign.
TypeTEXTThe type of the ad group.
Unique usersNUMERICThe number of unique users who saw your ad during the requested time period. This metric cannot be aggregated, and can only be requested for date ranges of 92 days or less. This metric is available for following campaign types - Display, Video, Discovery and App.
Units soldNUMERICUnits sold is the total number of products sold from orders attributed to your ads. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. Units sold is the total number of products sold from all orders attributed to your ads. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat, a shirt and a jacket. The units sold in this order is 3. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data.
Url custom parametersTEXTThe list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a tracking_url_template, final_urls, or mobile_final_urls.
Url expansion opt outBOOLEANRepresents opting out of URL expansion to more targeted URLs. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant Center or business data feeds are targeted. If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. This field can only be set for Performance Max campaigns, where the default value is false.
User interest availabilitiesTEXTAvailability information of the user interest.
User interest idNUMERICThe ID of the user interest.
User interest launched to allBOOLEANTrue if the user interest is launched to all channels and locales.
User interest nameTEXTThe name of the user interest.
User interest parentTEXTThe parent of the user interest.
User interest resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the user interest. User interest resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/userInterests/{user_interest_id}
User interest taxonomy typeTEXTTaxonomy type of the user interest.
User interest user interest categoryTEXTThe UserInterest resource name.
User interest user interest idNUMERICThe ID of the user interest.
User interest user interest parentTEXTThe parent of the user interest.
User list access reasonTEXTIndicates the reason this account has been granted access to the list. The reason can be SHARED, OWNED, LICENSED or SUBSCRIBED. This field is read-only.
User list account user list statusTEXTIndicates if this share is still enabled. When a UserList is shared with the user this field is set to ENABLED. Later the userList owner can decide to revoke the share and make it DISABLED. The default value of this field is set to ENABLED.
User list basic user list actionsTEXTActions associated with this user list.
User list closing reasonTEXTIndicating the reason why this user list membership status is closed. It is only populated on lists that were automatically closed due to inactivity, and will be cleared once the list membership status becomes open.
User list crm based user list app idTEXTA string that uniquely identifies a mobile application from which the data was collected. For iOS, the ID string is the 9 digit string that appears at the end of an App Store URL (for example, "476943146" for "Flood-It! 2" whose App Store link is!-2/id476943146). For Android, the ID string is the application's package name (for example, "com.labpixies.colordrips" for "Color Drips" given Google Play link Required when creating CrmBasedUserList for uploading mobile advertising IDs.
User list crm based user list data source typeTEXTData source of the list. Default value is FIRST_PARTY. Only customers on the allow-list can create third-party sourced CRM lists.
User list crm based user list upload key typeTEXTMatching key type of the list. Mixed data types are not allowed on the same list. This field is required for an ADD operation.
User list descriptionTEXTDescription of this user list.
User list eligible for displayBOOLEANIndicates this user list is eligible for Google Display Network. This field is read-only.
BOOLEANIndicates if this user list is eligible for Google Search Network.
User list idNUMERICId of the user list.
User list integration codeTEXTAn ID from external system. It is used by user list sellers to correlate IDs on their systems.
User list logical user list rulesTEXTLogical list rules that define this user list. The rules are defined as a logical operator (ALL/ANY/NONE) and a list of user lists. All the rules are ANDed when they are evaluated. Required for creating a logical user list.
User list lookalike user list country codesTEXTCountries targeted by the Lookalike. Two-letter country code as defined by ISO-3166
User list lookalike user list expansion levelTEXTExpansion level, reflecting the size of the lookalike audience
User list lookalike user list seed user list idsNUMERICSeed UserList ID from which this list is derived, provided by user.
User list match rate percentageNUMERICIndicates match rate for Customer Match lists. The range of this field is [0-100]. This will be null for other list types or when it's not possible to calculate the match rate. This field is read-only.
User list membership life spanNUMERICNumber of days a user's cookie stays on your list since its most recent addition to the list. This field must be between 0 and 540 inclusive. However, for CRM based userlists, this field can be set to 10000 which means no expiration. This field is ignored for logical_user_list and rule_based_user_list types. Membership to lists of these types depends on the rules defined by the lists.
User list membership statusTEXTMembership status of this user list. Indicates whether a user list is open or active. Only open user lists can accumulate more users and can be targeted to.
User list nameTEXTName of this user list. Depending on its access_reason, the user list name may not be unique (for example, if access_reason=SHARED)
User list read onlyBOOLEANAn option that indicates if a user may edit a list. Depends on the list ownership and list type. For example, external remarketing user lists are not editable. This field is read-only.
User list resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the user list. User list resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/userLists/{user_list_id}
User list rule based user list flexible rule user list exclusive operandsTEXTRules representing users that should be excluded from the user list. These are located on the right side of the AND_NOT operator, and joined together by OR.
User list rule based user list flexible rule user list inclusive operandsTEXTRules representing users that should be included in the user list. These are located on the left side of the AND_NOT operator, and joined together by either AND/OR as specified by the inclusive_rule_operator.
User list rule based user list flexible rule user list inclusive rule operatorTEXTOperator that defines how the inclusive operands are combined.
User list rule based user list prepopulation statusTEXTThe status of pre-population. The field is default to NONE if not set which means the previous users will not be considered. If set to REQUESTED, past site visitors or app users who match the list definition will be included in the list (works on the Display Network only). This will only add past users from within the last 30 days, depending on the list's membership duration and the date when the remarketing tag is added. The status will be updated to FINISHED once request is processed, or FAILED if the request fails.
User list similar user list seed user listTEXTSeed UserList from which this list is derived.
User list size for displayNUMERICEstimated number of users in this user list, on the Google Display Network. This value is null if the number of users has not yet been determined. This field is read-only.
NUMERICEstimated number of users in this user list in the domain. These are the users available for targeting in Search campaigns. This value is null if the number of users has not yet been determined. This field is read-only.
User list size range for displayTEXTSize range in terms of number of users of the UserList, on the Google Display Network. This field is read-only.
TEXTSize range in terms of number of users of the UserList, for Search ads. This field is read-only.
User list typeTEXTType of this list. This field is read-only.
User list user listTEXTThe User List resource name.
User location view country criterion idCOUNTRYCriterion Id for the country.
Geo target country (User Location View)COUNTRYThe country of the user's actual physical location by targeted or not targeted location (User Location View).
User location view targeting locationBOOLEANIndicates whether location was targeted or not.
Valid accelerated mobile pages clicks percentageNUMERICThe percentage of ad clicks to Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) landing pages that reach a valid AMP page.
Value per all conversionNUMERICThe value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions.
Value per all conversionsNUMERICThe value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions.
Value per all conversions by conversion dateNUMERICThe value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at
Value per conversionNUMERICThe value of conversions divided by the number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Value per conversions by conversion dateNUMERICThe value of conversions divided by the number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at
Value per current model attributed conversionNUMERICThe value of current model attributed conversions divided by the number of the conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
Vanity pharma vanity pharma display url modeTEXTThe display mode for vanity pharma URLs.
Vanity pharma vanity pharma textTEXTThe text that will be displayed in display URL of the text ad when website description is the selected display mode for vanity pharma URLs.
Vertical idTEXTThe Topic Constant resource name.
Video brand safety suitabilityTEXT3-Tier Brand Safety setting for the campaign.
Video channel idTEXTThe owner channel id of the video.
Video channel nameTEXTVideo channel name
Video durationNUMERICThe duration of the video in milliseconds.
Video idTEXTThe ID of the video.
Video quartile100 rateNUMERICPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched all of your video.
Video quartile25 rateNUMERICPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched 25% of your video.
Video quartile50 rateNUMERICPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched 50% of your video.
Video quartile75 rateNUMERICPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched 75% of your video.
Video quartile p100 rateNUMERICPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched all of your video.
Video quartile p25 rateNUMERICPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched 25% of your video.
Video quartile p50 rateNUMERICPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched 50% of your video.
Video quartile p75 rateNUMERICPercentage of impressions where the viewer watched 75% of your video.
Video resource nameTEXTThe resource name of the video. Video resource names have the form: customers/{customer_id}/videos/{video_id}
Video titleTEXTThe title of the video.
Video view rateNUMERICThe number of views your TrueView video ad receives divided by its number of impressions, including thumbnail impressions for TrueView in-display ads.
Video viewsNUMERICThe number of times your video ads were viewed.
View through conversionsNUMERICThe total number of view-through conversions. These happen when a customer sees an image or rich media ad, then later completes a conversion on your site without interacting with (for example, clicking on) another ad.
View through conversions from location asset click to callNUMERICNumber of call button clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
View through conversions from location asset directionsNUMERICNumber of driving directions clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
NUMERICNumber of menu link clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
View through conversions from location asset orderNUMERICNumber of order clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
View through conversions from location asset other engagementNUMERICNumber of other types of local action clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
View through conversions from location asset store visitsNUMERICEstimated number of visits to the store after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
View through conversions from location asset websiteNUMERICNumber of website URL clicks on any location surface after an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
Webpage conditionsTEXTConditions, or logical expressions, for webpage targeting. The list of webpage targeting conditions are and-ed together when evaluated for targeting. An empty list of conditions indicates all pages of the campaign's website are targeted. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Webpage coverage percentageNUMERICWebsite criteria coverage percentage. This is the computed percentage of website coverage based on the website target, negative website target and negative keywords in the ad group and campaign. For instance, when coverage returns as 1, it indicates it has 100% coverage. This field is read-only.
Webpage criterion nameTEXTThe name of the criterion that is defined by this parameter. The name value will be used for identifying, sorting and filtering criteria with this type of parameters. This field is required for CREATE operations and is prohibited on UPDATE operations.
Webpage sample sample urlsTEXTWebpage sample urls
WeekTEXTWeek as defined as Monday through Sunday, and represented by the date of Monday. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
Day of week and day numberTEXTWeekday number and name combined (Sun-Sat).Numbered from 0 Sunday to 6 Saturday.
Day of week and day number, ISOTEXTWeekday number and name combined, ISO format (Mon-Sun).Numbered from 1 Monday to 7
Week ISOTEXTWeek, ISO format (Mon-Sun).
YearTEXTYear, formatted as yyyy.
YearmonthTEXTYear and month, e.g. 2024|3
Year of weekTEXTThe year that contains first day of the week (Sun-Sat).
Year of week, ISOTEXTThe year that contains first day of the ISO week (Mon-Sun).
Year weekTEXTYear and week for US weeks (Sun-Sat), e.g. 2024|15
Year week ISOTEXTYear and week for ISO weeks (Mon-Sun), e.g. 2024|20
Youtube channel channel idTEXTThe YouTube uploader channel id or the channel code of a YouTube channel.
Youtube video asset youtube video idTEXTYouTube video id. This is the 11 character string value used in the YouTube video URL.
Youtube video asset youtube video titleTEXTYouTube video title.
Youtube video video idTEXTYouTube video id as it appears on the YouTube watch page.

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